a hundred bouts。 Then Gao Shun began to weaken and had to turn back。 He rode round to the rear of his array。 Xiahou Dun was not the man to quail; so he followed right into the enemys country。 Then Cao Xing; one of Lu Bus generals; secretly strung his bow; fitted an arrow and; when Xiahou Dun had e quite near; shot at him。 The arrow hit Xiahou Dun full in the left eye。 He shrieked; and putting up his head; pulled out the arrow and with it the eye。
〃Essence of my father; blood of my mother; I cannot throw this away!〃 cried Xiahou Dun; and he put the eye into his mouth and swallowed it。
Then resuming his firm grip of his spear; Xiahou Dun went after this new enemy。 There was no escape for Cao Xing。 He was overtaken and fell with a fatal spear wound full in the face。 Both sides were stricken dumb with amazement。
Having thus slain the man who had wounded him; Xiahou Dun rode back toward his own side。 Gao Shun went in pursuit and; waving on his army; attacked so vigorously that he won the day。 Xiahou Yuan defended for his elder brother as they fled。 Lu Qian and Li Dian led various divisions back to Jibei and made a camp。
Gao Shun; having scored this victory; returned to attack Liu Bei; and as Lu Bu opportunely arrived with Zhang Liao; these three arranged their forces so that each attacked one of the brothers。
Dauntless was Xiahou Dun; that warrior bold;
His courage had been proved of old;
But smitten sore one hapless day;
He might not in the battle stay。
The fate of Liu Bei will be told in the next chapter。
Main Next to Chapter 19 》》
Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 19
Chapter 19
Cao Cao Fights In Xiapi;
Lu Bu Perishes At The White Gate Tower。
As was stated before; Gao Shun and Zhang Liao together went to smite Guan Yu; while Lu Bu attacked Zhang Fei。 Both brothers went out to give battle; while Liu Bei force was held in reserve。 But then Lu Bu suddenly attacked both Guan Yu and Zhang Fei from the rear; and the brothers were forced to flee。 Liu Bei with a few score of horsemen rushed back to Xiaopei。 As he approached the gate with Lu Bu pressing him close; he shouted to the soldiers on the wall to lower the drawbridge。 Lu Bu was so close behind that the archers on the wall feared to shoot lest they should wound their lord; and so Lu Bu got into the gate。 The gate guards could not force him back so they scattered in all directions。 Lu Bu led his force into the city。
Liu Bei saw the position was too desperate for him to reach his residence; and he must abandon all his family。 So he hastened through the city and left by the west gate out at which he and his scanty following fled for very life。
When Lu Bu reached the residence; he was met by Mi Zhu who said; 〃The hero does not destroy a persons family。 Your rival for the empire is Cao Cao; and my master; always mindful of the good turn you did him at the Archery Feast; would not be ungrateful。 But he could not help going to Cao Cao; and I think you will pity him。〃
Lu Bu replied; 〃We two are old friends。 How could I bear to harm his wives and children?〃
Whereupon he sent the family to Xuzhou with Mi Zhu to take care of them。 Next Lu Bu led his army into Huashang Mountains to Yanzhou; leaving Gao Shun and Zhang Liao to guard Xiaopei。
During these troubles Sun Qian had also fled out of the city。 Guan Yu and Zhang Fei; each with a handful of soldiers; had got away to the hills。 As Liu Bei with his few horsemen was making the best of their way from the scene of his defeat; he heard someone ing up behind him。 When he got closer the person proved to be Sun Qian。
〃Alas! I know not the fate of my brothers; whether they be alive or dead; and my wife and children are lost to me! What can I do?〃 said Liu Bei。
Sun Qian replied; 〃I see nothing better than getting away to Cao Cao; whence we may be able to plan our future moves。〃
Liu Bei had no better plan to propose; and the two men directed their way to Xuchang; choosing by…roads rather than highways。 When their small supplies ran out; they entered a village to beg。 But when the people of any place heard that Liu Bei of Yuzhou was the man who needed help; they vied with each other in offering all that was required。
One day they sought shelter at a house whence a youth came out and made a low obeisance。 They asked his name and he gave it as Liu An; of a well known family of hunters。 Hearing who the visitor was; the hunter wished to lay before him a dish of game; but though he sought for a long time; nothing could be found for the table。 So Liu An came home; killed his wife and prepared a portion for his guest。
While eating Liu Bei asked; 〃What flesh is it?〃
Liu An told him: 〃Wolf。〃
Liu Bei knew no better and ate his fill。 Next day at daylight; just as Liu Bei was leaving; he went to the stables in the rear to get his horse and passing through the kitchen; he saw the dead body of a woman lying on the table。 The flesh of one arm had been cut away。 Quite startled he asked what this meant; and then he knew what he had eaten the night before。 He was deeply sorry at this proof of his hosts regard and the tears rained down as he mounted his steed at the gate。
〃I wish I could go with you;〃 said Liu An; 〃but as my mother still lives; I cannot go so far from home。〃
Liu Bei thanked him and went his way。 The party took the road by Liangcheng; and as they were going out; they saw not far off a thick cloud of dust。 When the troop came nearer; they found the troops were of Cao Caos army; and with them they traveled to the main camp where they found Cao Cao himself。 Cao Cao shed tears at the sad story of Liu Beis distress; the loss of the city; his brothers and wives and children。 When Liu Bei told him of the hunter who had sacrificed his wife to feed them; Cao Cao sent the hunter a present of a hundred ounces of silver as a reward。
The march then was continued to Jibei; where Xiahou Yuan weled them。 They heard that his brother Xiahou Dun was still ill from the wound he had received in the eye。 Cao Cao went to the sick mans bedside to see him and had him removed to Xuchang for skilled treatment。
Presently scouts; sent out particularly for tidings of Lu Bu; returned; saying; 〃Lu Bu has allied himself with the bandits in the east; and they are attacking Yanzhou。〃
At this Cao Cao dispatched Cao Ren with three thousand soldiers to take Xiaopei; while he; in conjunction with Liu Bei; moved against Lu Bu。
They went east。 As they reached the Mangdang Hills near Xiao Pass; they met the a band of thirty thousand Taishan Mountains brigands barring their road。 The chieftains of the bandits were Sun Guan; Wu Dun; Yin Li; and Chang Xi who rode out with their spears set。 However; Xu Chu plunged into the battle and easily beat them back and chased them right up to the pass。
爱上酷蛇王 重生之为我而狂 都市危情 炒股就是炒心态 南方·爱 美女总裁爱上我 欲之海 地球online 冷酷太子 七号簿 契约内婚姻 作者:沐声 血夜爱上猫 审计风雨:豆豆升职记 我和一个妓女的纯情故事 重金属外壳 幻想乡游戏 野人凶猛 悬疑志·合刊 大唐乘风录之洛阳天擂 官场春秋