


ad and send it as an offering to Cao Cao; who would reward you well for the service。〃

Sun Qian sat unmoved while this harangue was pronounced; saying at the end; 〃I am not afraid of death。 Liu Bei; the Princely One; is true and loyal to the state and so out of sympathy with Lu Bu; or Cao Cao; or Yuan Shao。 It is true he followed these three; but there was no help for it。 Now he knows your chief is a member of the family; so that both are of the same ancestry; and that is why he has e far to join him。 How can you slander a good man like that?〃

Liu Biao bade Cai Mao be silent and said; 〃I have decided; and you need say no more。〃

Whereat Cai Mao sulkily left the audience chamber。

Then Sun Qian was told to return with the news that Liu Bei would be wele; and Imperial Protector Liu Biao went ten miles beyond the city to meet his guest。

When Liu Bei arrived; he behaved to his host with the utmost politeness and was warmly weled in return。 Then Liu Bei introduced his two sworn brothers and friends and they entered Jingzhou City where Liu Bei finally was lodged in the Imperial Protectors own residence。

As soon as Cao Cao knew whither his enemy had gone; he wished to attack Liu Biao; but Cheng Yu advised against any attempt so long as Yuan Shao; the dangerous enemy; was left with power to inflict damage。

He said; 〃My lord should return to the capital to refresh the soldiers so that they may be ready for a north and south campaign in the mild spring weather。〃

Cao Cao accepted his advice and set out for the capital。 In the first month of the eighth year of Rebuilt Tranquillity (AD 203); Cao Cao once again began to think of war; and sent to garrison Runan as a precaution against Liu Biao。 Then; after arranging for the safety of the capital; he marched a large army to Guandu; the camp of the year before; and aimed at Jizhou。

As to Yuan Shao; who had been suffering from blood…spitting but was now in better health; he began to think of measures against Xuchang; but Shen Pei dissuaded him; saying; 〃You are not yet recovered from the fatigues of last year。 It would be better to make your position impregnable and set to improving the army。〃

When the news of Cao Caos approach arrived; Yuan Shao said; 〃If we allow the foe to get close to the city before we march to the river; we shall have missed our opportunity。 I must go out to repel this army。〃

Here his son Yuan Shang interposed; 〃Father; you are not sufficiently recovered for a campaign and should not go so far。 Let me lead the army against this enemy。〃

Yuan Shao consented; and he sent to Qingzhou and Youzhou and Bingzhou to call upon his other two sons and his nephew to attack Cao Cao at the same time as his own army。

Against Runan they beat the drum;

And from Jizhou the armies e。

To whom the victory will be seen in the next chapter。

Main Next to Chapter 32 》》

Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Jizhou Taken: Yuan Shang Strives;

River Zhang Cut: Xun You Schemes。

Yuan Shang was puffed up with pride after his victory over Shi Huan and; without deigning to wait the arrival of his brothers; he marched out with thirty thousand troops to Liyang to meet the army of Cao Cao。 Zhang Liao came out to challenge him; and Yuan Shang; accepting the challenge rode out with spear set。 But he only lasted to the third bout when he had to give way。 Zhang Liao smote with full force and Yuan Shang; quite broken; fled pell…mell to Jizhou。 His defeat was a heavy shock to his father Yuan Shao; who had a severe fit of hemorrhage at the news and swooned。

Lady Liu; his wife; got him to bed as quickly as possible; but he did not rally; and she soon saw it was necessary to prepare for the end。 So she sent for Shen Pei and Peng Ji that the succession might be settled。 They came and stood by the sick mans bed; but by this time he could no longer speak。 He only made motions with his hands。

When his wife put the formal question; 〃Is Yuan Shang to succeed?〃

Yuan Shao nodded his head。 Shen Pei at the bedside wrote out the dying mans testament。 Presently Yuan Shao uttered a loud moan; a fresh fit of bleeding followed; and he passed away。

Born of a line of nobles famous for generations;

He himself in his youth was wayward always and headstrong;

Vainly he called to his side generals skilled and courageous;

Gathered beneath his banner countless legions of soldiers;

For he was timid at heart; a lamb dressed as a tiger;

Merely a cowardly chicken; phoenix…feathered but spurless。

Pitiful was the fate of his house; for when he departed

Brother with brother strove and quarrels arose in the household。

Shen Pei and some others set about the mourning ceremonies for the dead man。 His wife; Lady Liu; put to death five of his favorite concubines; and such was the bitterness of her jealousy that; not content with this; she shaved off the hair and slashed the faces of their poor corpses lest their spirits should meet and rejoin her late husband in the land of shades beneath the Nine Golden Springs。 Her son followed up this piece of cruelty by slaying all the relatives of the unhappy concubines lest they should avenge their deaths。

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