


burying her hands in her black cashmere Les Best evening coat pockets as she searched for a

cab。Fuck; it was freezing。

?Want to e with me?? Aaron offered; even though Blair had been a total bitch lately。 They

were still stepbrother and stepsister?they could at least try to be friends。

Blair grimaced。 ?No; thanks。 I?m going to call this man I met。 See if he wants to meet me

somewhere for a drink or something。? She loved how the wordman sounded so much more

sophisticated thanguy 。

?Whatman ?? Aaron asked suspiciously。 ?Not that old dude from Yale you were with last night??

Blair stamped her feet to keep her toes from getting frostbitten inside her

totally…wrong…for…the…weather Les Best Mary Janes。 Why did Aaron always have to act so

infuriatingly superior? ?First of all; I could be meeting someone else。 Second of all; what do you

care anyway? And third of all; if it is him; sowhat ?? She flung her hand in the air and waved it

impatiently。 It was only nine。 Where the hell were all the fucking cabs?

Aaron shrugged。 ?I don?t know。 I?m just guessing he?s like some big investment banker who

gives lots of cash to Yale; and you?re flirting with him or whatever because you want to get in so

badly。 Which is pretty lame if you ask me。?

?Actually; I didn?t ask;? Blair snapped back。 ?But maybe Ishould listen to Mr。


eer…And…Pretending…I…Play…In…A…Really…Cool…Band…Which…Actually…Sucks; since you obviously

know everything。? A taxi screeched to a stop at the corner of Forty…third Street to let someone out。

Blair made a dash for it。 ?Don?t fucking make judgments about something

you know nothing about!? she shouted at Aaron; before jumping

into the cab and pulling the door shut。

Aaron shivered in his thin cotton jacket and hunched his shoulders into the bitter wind as he

walked east on Forty…second Street to Grand Central Station。 It would be good to just hang with

the guys for a change。 Women were a monumental pain in his vegan ass。

But we?re oh; so worth it?right?

way better than naked

Dan tried not to stare at the models as they came out onto the runway during the Better Than

Naked show wearing only pleated brown corduroy miniskirts with no tops on at all。 Their skirts

were so short he could even see the frilly white panties they were wearing underneath; which

happened to be little girls? vintage underwear from the nineteen…fifties and fit so snugly on the

models that their butt cheeks were busting out of them。 Instead of sitting down in the front row;

where Rusty Klein had managed to snag him a seat between Stevie Nicks and superhip

和丧尸同行的日子  小靓女  后来发生了战争  诡念  暗黑破坏神之毁灭  齐眉  十二女皇  战锤之米登兰的雄狮王  我的第三帝国  酒儿娘子  花婿鉴定期  凋落的昙花  绑在床上的酷哥  异世灵武天下  我的模型系统  军妆  听话老公  蛇男  我被冰冻了100年  曾国藩(上卷)  


















