


himself。? Orher self; in her case。 ?Because I was in a green mood;? she answered; annoyed。

?Well; green is my favorite color;? Elise responded happily。 She pulled on her turtleneck and

underwear but left her jeans and bra on the floor。 ?Oh my God。 I have that book; too!? she

squealed; pointing at a thick; heavy paperback on the bookshelf behind the TV。 She walked over to

the shelf and pulled the book out。 ?But yours is so new。 Don?t you ever read it??

Jenny bit off the top of an Oreo and read the title on the spine of book。The New This Is My Body

for Women。 ?My dad bought me that last year。 I think he probably thought that if I read it; he

wouldn?t have to explain anything to me about sex?I could just look up the embarrassing stuff。?

?But have you ever actually looked at it? Some of it is reallygraphic 。?

Jenny had no idea。 She?d immediately shelved the book behind the TV along with the other

random books her father had given her that she never intended to read; likeBreathing Room: A

Buddhist?s Guide to Living Creatively; Mao?s Secret Seven: The Women Behind Chairman Mao;

andFinding the Dragon Within:What Is Your Art?

?Like; graphic in what way?? Jenny asked; intrigued。

Elise carried the book over to the worn leather sofa and sat down; crossing her long bare legs

dramatically。 ?I?ll show you。? She opened the book and Jenny sat down next to her and leaned in

close to see。

The first thing Elise turned to was a detailed diagram of a woman on her hands and knees bent

over a man lying on his back。 The book had been written in the nineteen…seventies and the text had

since been updated; but the diagrams hadn?t。 The man had hair down to his shoulders; a full beard;

and was wearing beads。 His penis was sticking straight up and it appeared to be in the woman?s

mouth。 The two girls erupted into giggles。


?I told you;? said Elise; pleased with herself for opening right up to such a gem。

?I can?t believe I never saw any of this;? Jenny exclaimed。 She grabbed the book away from

Elise and rifled through the pages。 ?Oh my God!? she gasped when she saw a diagram of the same

couple in another position。 The woman still had the long…haired guy?s penis in her mouth; except

this time she was lying alongside him with her feet up around his head and her legs splayed so that

he could do the same thing toher 。 Jenny didn?t even know the name forthat 。 ?I thought this was

just a boring book about getting your period and all that stuff。 But this is; like; a realsex book

forwomen 。?

?I think there?s a teen one; too; that?s totally boring; but my mom got me this one by mistake。 I

couldn?t believe it when I started reading it!?

The two girls pored over the pages until they stumbled upon a section called Same…Sex


?Like Ms。 Crumb;? Jenny observed; reading。 The introduction was long and started with the

line; ?Your feelings are genuine and not to be ignored。 。 。 。? Outside she could hear the grating

听话老公  我的模型系统  我被冰冻了100年  军妆  和丧尸同行的日子  酒儿娘子  凋落的昙花  暗黑破坏神之毁灭  蛇男  花婿鉴定期  异世灵武天下  战锤之米登兰的雄狮王  绑在床上的酷哥  齐眉  十二女皇  曾国藩(上卷)  我的第三帝国  后来发生了战争  小靓女  诡念  


















