


give me some new free clothes。 Love you both。 Ciao!? she added; before striding away in her

five…inch black stilettos。

Mystery blinked her huge; tired gray eyes。 She looked like she?d been up all night cleaning

floors; like Cinderella。 ?Your poem saved my life;? she confided to Dan in a low; husky voice。 A

tall; narrow glass of something bright red was wedged into her frail hand。 ?It?s Campari;? she said

when she noticed him looking at it。 ?Want a taste??

Dan never drank anything that wasn?t caffeinated。 He shook his head no and tucked his black

notebook under his arm。 Then he lit a Camel and took a long drag。 There; that was much better。

Now at least he?d have something to do; even if he couldn?t think of anything to say。 ?So; are you

a poet; too?? he asked。

Mystery stuck her thumb into her drink and then licked it off。 The corners of her mouth were

stained red with Campari; making her look like a little girl who?d just eaten a cherry Popsicle。 ?I

write poems and short stories。 And I?m working on a novel about cremation and premature death。

Rusty says I?m the next Sylvia Plath;? she answered。 ?What about you??

Dan sipped his drink。 He wasn?t sure what she meant by premature death。 Was there ever a right

time to die? He wondered if he should write a poem about it; but then again; he didn?t want to

steal Mystery?s material。 ?I?m supposed to be the next Keats。?

Mystery dunked her thumb into her drink again and then licked it off。 ?What?s your favorite


Dan took another drag off his cigarette and blew smoke into the crowded; noisy room。 He wasn?t

sure if it was the club; or the music; or the caffeine; or the taurine; but he felt so alive andso good

at that very moment; talking about words with this girl named Mystery whose life he had saved。

He was seriously digging it。

?Dying; I guess;? he answered; finishing his drink and setting the empty glass down on the

floor。 ?The verbto die 。? He knew it must have sounded like he was trying to impress her。 After all;

she was writing a book about premature death and cremation。 But it was the truth。 Almost all of

his poems really were about dying。 Dying of love; dying of anger; dying of boredom; of anxiety;

falling asleep and never waking up。

Mystery smiled。 ?Me too。? Her gray eyes and long; thin face were starkly beautiful; but her front

teeth were crooked and yellow; like she?d never been to the dentist in her entire life。 She snagged

another Red Bull cocktail from a waiter?s tray and handed it to Dan。 ?Rusty says poets are the

next movie stars。 One day we?ll both be riding around in limos with our bodyguards。? She sighed

heavily。 ?As if that will make life any easier。? She raised her glass and clinked it against his。 ?To

poetry;? she announced grimly。 Then she grabbed the back of Dan?s head and pulled him toward

我的模型系统  听话老公  和丧尸同行的日子  后来发生了战争  曾国藩(上卷)  我被冰冻了100年  小靓女  绑在床上的酷哥  军妆  凋落的昙花  十二女皇  我的第三帝国  花婿鉴定期  蛇男  战锤之米登兰的雄狮王  暗黑破坏神之毁灭  异世灵武天下  齐眉  酒儿娘子  诡念  


















