


?I heard they were husband and wife。?

?I heard they?re fraternal twins; separated at birth;? remarked someone else。

Vanessa slipped into the back of the club unnoticed。 ?What kind of name is Mystery Craze?? she

wondered as she put her camera to her eye and zoomed in on the stage。

Dan?s entire body was covered in a cold; freaked…out sweat。 Everything was happening so fast。

He hadn?t even had a chance to contemplate how he?d gone from writing strange; morose poetry

in notebooks no one ever read to performing onstage with an almost…famous girl in a cool club;

wearing a fancy designer suit。 But there was no time to doubt himself。 He?d acted in plays;

performed in Vanessa?s movies。 He was the new Rilke。 He peeled off his jacket; and rolled up his

sleeves。 He could do this。

Mystery was already waiting for him onstage; her bony fingers clenching the microphone in

white…knuckled anticipation。 Dan could see now that there were two mikes; one for him and one

for her。

?What?s your favorite noun?? Mystery asked the audience in her low; husky voice。

?Pie!? an obviously shitfaced ponytailed guy in the front row shouted back。

?You?re the antithesis of pie;? Mystery hissed at Dan as he took the stage。 ?I want to eat you


Dan cleared his throat and reached for the microphone stand to steady himself。 ?What?s your

favorite verb?? he asked in response; surprised by how sure of himself he sounded。

?Sex;? Mystery answered coolly。 She dropped to her hands and knees; slithering toward him with

the microphone between her teeth。 ?Sex;? she repeated; crawling between his legs and clawing her

way up his body until their faces were only a centimeter apart。 The yellow dress made her teeth

look even yellower。

The camera wobbled in Vanessa?s hands。 Sothis was why she hadn?t heard a peep out of Dan

lately; not even to work onMaking Poetry 。 Dan had been making poetry with Mystery Craze。 And

as much as it hurt to watch the boy she?d been in love with for almost three years fall under the

spell of a girl whose real name was probably something totally boring and unpoetic like Jane

James; Vanessa couldn?t bring herself to stop filming。 Something was happening to Dan that she

had to get on film。 He seemed to be discovering himself; right before her eyes。

?Feed me;? Dan growled into the mike as Mystery writhed beneath him。 ?Bare your naked body

on my plate。?

The crowded whooped and shrieked in delight。 Dan couldn?t believe what a total blast he was

having。 He was a rock?n?roll poet; a sex god! Forget Rilke; he was Jim Morrison! He dragged

Mystery off the floor and dove at her mouth in a hard and hungry rock…god kiss。

Vanessa kept filming; hot tears streaming down her pale cheeks。 She couldn?t stop; and she

wasn?t doing it to torture herself。 She was doing it for the sake of her art。

Onstage; Dan unbuttoned his shirt and Mystery licked his chest。

小靓女  后来发生了战争  齐眉  我的第三帝国  诡念  十二女皇  异世灵武天下  战锤之米登兰的雄狮王  暗黑破坏神之毁灭  花婿鉴定期  军妆  曾国藩(上卷)  绑在床上的酷哥  蛇男  听话老公  凋落的昙花  我被冰冻了100年  和丧尸同行的日子  我的模型系统  酒儿娘子  












赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...






