


Nate sucked hard on the burning roach and pulled his cell phone out of his pocket。 The problem

was; his other stoner St。 Jude?s buddies?Jeremy Scott Tompkinson; Charlie Dern; and Anthony

Avuldsen?all bought from Mitchell; too。 Mitchell was the best。 But it was worth calling just to

find out if any of them had managed to score a big stash before their dealer had disappeared。

Jeremy was in a cab on his way to an interschool squash club game at the Ninety…second Street

Y。 ?Sorry; dude;? his voice crackled over the line。 ?I?ve been doing mom?s Zoloft all day。 Why

don?t you just buy a dime bag from one of those dealers in the park or something??

Nate shrugged。 Something about buying a dime bag in the park seemed so 。 。 。lame 。 ?Whatever;

man;? he told Jeremy。 ?See you tomorrow。?

Charlie was in the Virgin megastore; buying DVDs with his little brother。 ?Bummer;? he said

when Nate told him about the situation。 ?But you?re right near the park; right? Just buy a dime


?Yeah; whatever;? Nate replied。 ?See you tomorrow。?

Anthony was having a driving lesson in the new BMW M3 sports car his parents had given him

for his eighteenth birthday last weekend。 ?Check your mom?s medicine cabinet;? he

advised。 ?Parents are the ultimate resource。?

?I?ll look into it;? Nate answered。 ?Later。? He clicked off and sucked the last drag off his puny

little roach。 ?Damn!? he cursed; flicking the charred remnants into the dirty snow beneath his feet。

This semester was supposed to have been a twenty…four…hour party。 He?d had an awesome

interview at Brown in November; and he was pretty sure his application rocked hard enough to get

him in。 Plus he was no longer hanging out with little Jenny Humphrey; who was very sweet and

had a great rack; but who?d taken up a shitload of his free time。 For the rest of senior year Nate

had been planning to smoke up; kick back; and just stay mellow until graduation; but without his

trusty dealer; that plan was basically moot。

Nate sat back on the green wooden bench and gazed up at the sumptuous limestone apartment

buildings lining Fifth Avenue。 To his right; he could just see the corner of Blair?s Seventy…second

Street apartment building。 Up in the penthouse; Blair?s Russian Blue cat; Kitty Minky; was

probably lying stretched out on Blair?s rose…colored bedspread; eagerly waiting for Blair to e

home and scratch him under the chin with her coral…pink nails。 Impulsively; Nate pushed the

buttons on his phone to speed…dial Blair?s cell phone。 It rang six times before she finally picked


?Hello?? Blair answered in a clipped voice。 She was seated in Garren?s new East Fifty…seventh

Street salon; which was decorated like a Turkish harem?s lair。 Gauzy pink…and…yellow silk scarves

hung from the ceiling; and huge pink…and…yellow…upholstered pillows were tossed at random

around the salon for clients to lounge on and sip Turkish coffee while they waited for their

后来发生了战争  齐眉  异世灵武天下  诡念  战锤之米登兰的雄狮王  蛇男  小靓女  暗黑破坏神之毁灭  十二女皇  绑在床上的酷哥  凋落的昙花  花婿鉴定期  我被冰冻了100年  和丧尸同行的日子  酒儿娘子  军妆  我的模型系统  听话老公  我的第三帝国  曾国藩(上卷)  


















