


look like cops。 One of them was wearing black Club Monaco jeans and the other was wearing a

stupid red pom…pom hat。 They flashed their badges at Nate。

?We?re not going to cuff you;? Club Monaco explained。 ?You?re a minor; right??

Nate nodded sullenly; avoiding the cop?s gaze。 He didn?t turn eighteen until April。

?When we get to the precinct you can call your parents。?

I?m sure they?ll be thrilled;Nate thought bitterly。

Across the meadow the two guys playing football and the old lady and her fluffy white dog were

all huddled together; watching Nate getting busted like it was the first episode of some hot new

reality show。

?You?ll be out in a couple hours;? the red pom…pom cop said; writing something in a notebook。

Nate noticed the cop was wearing gold hoop earrings and he realized she was a woman; despite

her broad shoulders and thick…fingered hands。 ?They?ll fine you and probably give you mandatory


Mitchell kept his hand on Nate?s shoulder as if to offer moral support。 ?You?re lucky;? he added。

Nate kept his head down; hoping no one he knew would see him。 He didn?t feel very lucky。

introducing the newd

Tuesday afternoon; Vanessa stood outside Riverside Prep; filming the frozen remains of a dead

pigeon carcass and thinking about sex while she waited for Dan to appear。 Dan had left a message

for her at the reception desk at Constance Billard to e and meet him after school。Urgent。 Meet

me here at four; it said。What a freak; Vanessa thought lovingly。 What could possibly be so urgent?

He was probably just having an attack of paranoia because his poem had e out inThe New

Yorker today。 Either that or he was feeling extremely stimulated and couldn?twait to do it again。

Before even taking a shower that morning Vanessa had run downstairs and bought sixNew Yorker

s from the newsstand on the corner。 That way there would always be a spare copy to wave in

Dan?s face when he was feeling especially inadequate。

When she really thought about it;she was the one who should have been freaking out。 The poem

was all about a guy feeling insecure around women; particularly his dominating girlfriend。 People

who knew them were going to think Vanessa was a real ball…breaker。 But the last line was so sweet

and sexy; she couldn?t really plain。

Take care of me。 Take me。 Take care。 Take me。

Reading it made her want to rip off all her clothes and jump him。Gently ; of course。

Just then Dan burst through the black doors of Riverside Prep practically in midsentence。 He

waved his rumpled copy ofThe New Yorker at Vanessa and galloped up to her in his worn…out

white Pumas and navy blue cords; planting a sloppy; wet kiss on her mouth。 ?This has been the

best day of my life!? he trumpeted。 ?I love you!?

战锤之米登兰的雄狮王  听话老公  我被冰冻了100年  暗黑破坏神之毁灭  异世灵武天下  小靓女  我的第三帝国  后来发生了战争  诡念  蛇男  十二女皇  绑在床上的酷哥  凋落的昙花  我的模型系统  齐眉  曾国藩(上卷)  花婿鉴定期  酒儿娘子  军妆  和丧尸同行的日子  


















