


pretty obvious why Nate liked rehab so much and why he was so into reforming all of a sudden。

She backed out the door and into the hall; pulling her cell phone out of her purse to call her mom。

A car was supposed to e and get her in two hours to drive her back to the city; but no way was

she waiting that long。 Rehab was nothing like a spa; it was just another classroom full of pathetic

losers who needed to get a life。

?You can?t use that in here; miss!? an aide shouted at her in the hallway。 Blair glared at her and

marched down the hall and into the lobby。 One of the receptionists was reading a newspaper with

a full…page color ad for Serena?s Tears on the back。

Suddenly something occurred to Blair。 She?d never really thought about it before but Serena van

der Woodsen?her supposed best friend?was the absolute queen of ebacks。 This past fall Serena

had been kicked out of boarding school and had e home to the city; her reputation so smeared

only the most desperate wanna…bes would talk to her。 But in a series of show…stealing cameos

Serena had won everyone back; Blair included; and now she was the star of a fucking international

perfume ad campaign。 If anyone could help Blair shimmy her way back to the top and make

everyone fall in love with her again; Serena could。

Blair pushed open the glass doors of the rehab clinic and stood at the top of the marble steps;

gasping in the cold。 Quickly; she punched Serena?s number into her cell phone。

?Blair?? Serena shouted; her phone cutting in and out。 ?I thought you were mad at me。? She

coughed loudly。 ?God; am I sick。?

?Where are you?? Blair demanded in response。 ?Are you in a cab??

?Right;? Serena answered。 ?I?m going to a movie premiere with some people I met at the

perfume shoot。 Want to e??

?I can?t;? Blair answered。 ?Serena; I need you to e get me。 Tell the cab to take I…95 up to

Greenwich。 Exit 3。 There?s this place called Breakaway on Lake Avenue。 Get him to stop and ask

someone if he can?t find it。 Okay??

?Greenwich? But that?s going to cost like a hundred bucks!? Serena argued。 ?What?s going on;

Blair? Why are you in Greenwich? This doesn?t have anything to do with that old guy I saw you

with the other night; does it??

?I?ll pay you back;? Blair interrupted impatiently。 ?I?ll tell you all about it when you get here。

Will you do it; S?? she asked; using the endearment she hadn?t used since they were little。

Serena hesitated; but Blair could tell she was intrigued by the idea of an adventure with her old

friend。 The phone crackled as she heard Serena give the driver directions。

?I have to hang up because my phone is running out of juice;? Serena yelled。 ?I?ll be there soon;

Blair; okay? Oh; and by the way; Aaron and I broke up。?

凋落的昙花  和丧尸同行的日子  军妆  十二女皇  诡念  酒儿娘子  花婿鉴定期  我的第三帝国  我的模型系统  蛇男  后来发生了战争  听话老公  小靓女  战锤之米登兰的雄狮王  暗黑破坏神之毁灭  曾国藩(上卷)  我被冰冻了100年  异世灵武天下  齐眉  绑在床上的酷哥  


















