Why? If it wasnt an effort to get himself thrown out of the good job Al had
snagged for him; then what was it?
He deposited the rest of the money in the slots and hung up the phone。 It
really was the senseless kind of thing he might have done if he had been drunk。
But he had been sober; dead cold sober。
Walking out of the drugstore be crunched another Excedrin into his mouth;
grimacing yet relishing the bitter taste。
On the walk outside he met Wendy and Danny。
〃Hey; we were just ing after you;〃 Wendy said。 〃Snowing; dont you know。〃
Jack blinked up。 〃So it is。〃 It was snowing hard。 Sidewinders main street was
already heavily powdered; the center line obscured。 Danny had his head tilted up
to the white sky; his mouth open and his tongue out to catch some of the fat
flakes drifting down。
〃Do you think this is it?〃 Wendy asked。
Jack shrugged。 〃I dont know。 I was hoping for another week or two of grace。
We still might get it。〃
Grace; that was it。
(Im sorry; Al。 Grace; your mercy。 For your mercy。 One more chance。 I am
heartily sorry — )
How many times; over how many years; had he — a grown man — asked for the mercy
of another chance? He was suddenly so sick of himself; so revolted; that he
could have groaned aloud。
〃Hows your headache?〃 she asked; studying him closely。
He put an arm around her and hugged her tight。 〃Better。 e on; you two;
lets go home while we still can。〃
They walked back to where the hotel truck was slantparked against the curb;
Jack in the middle; his left arm around Wendys shoulders; his right hand
holding Dannys hand。 He had called it home for the first time; for better or
As he got behind the trucks wheel it occurred to him that while he was
fascinated by the Overlook; he didnt much like it。 He wasnt sure it was good
for either his wife or his son or himself。 Maybe that was why he had called
To be fired while there was still time。
He backed the truck out of its parking space and headed them out of town and
up into the mountains。
末世之猎食禁止 作者:璃九笙 末世佣兵系统 穿越之公主至尊 家有匪婆 完结 雷神之祖 一代媚后乱君心 不为人知:潮汕民间灵异怪谈 有尸无还 天师执位Ⅱ_7 双劫 下 偷不走的宝石 乱世帝王 历史的空白处 安德的影子 入殓师灵异录 左 青 石 秦亡新论 北斗推理剧场 璞玉惊华 铁血征程 圣地系列:十字墓园