


So they gave Li Su what he demanded………a thousand ounces of gold; ten strings of beautiful pearls; a jeweled belt; and Red Hare………and these acpanied Li Su on his visit to his fellow villager。

Li Su reached the camp and said to the guard; 〃Please tell General Lu Bu that a very old friend has e to visit him。〃

He was admitted forthwith。

〃Worthy brother; have you been well since we last met?〃 greeted Li Su while bowing。

〃How long it is since we last saw each other!〃 replied Lu Bu; bowing in return。 〃And where are you now?〃

〃I am a general in the Imperial Tiger Army。 When I learned you were a strong supporter of the Throne; I could not say how I rejoiced。 I have e now to present to you a really fine horse; a five…hundred…mile…a…day horse; one that crosses rivers and goes up mountains as if they were the level plain。 Its name is Red Hare。 It will be a fitting aid to your valor。〃

Lu Bu bade his guards lead out the horse。 It was of a uniform color like glowing…sun red………not a hair of another color。 It measured ten spans from head to tail and from hoof to neck eight spans。 When it neighed; the sound filled the empyrean and shook the ocean。

Mark ye the steed swift and tireless; see the dust; spurned by his hoofs; rising in clouds;

Now it swims the river; anon climbs the hill; rending the purple mist asunder;

Scornful it breaks the rein; shakes from its head the jeweled bridle;

It is as a fiery dragon descending from the highest heaven。

Lu Bu was delighted with the horse and said; 〃What return can I hope to make for such a creature?〃

〃What return can I hope for? I came to you out of a sense of what is right;〃 replied Li Su。

Wine was brought in and they drank。

〃We have seen very little of each other; but I am constantly meeting your honorable father;〃 said Li Su。

〃You are drunk;〃 said Lu Bu。 〃My father has been dead for years。〃

〃Not so; I spoke of Ding Yuan; the man of the day。〃

Lu Bu started。 〃Yes; I am with him; but only because I can do no better。〃

〃Sir; your talent is higher than the heavens; deeper than the seas。 Who in all the world does not bow before your name? Fame and riches and honors are yours for the taking。 And you say you can do no better than remain a subordinate!〃

〃If I could only find a master to serve;〃 said Lu Bu。

〃The clever bird chooses the branch whereon to perch; the wise servant selects the master to serve。 Seize the chance when it es; for repentance ever es too late。〃

〃Now you are in the government。 Who think you is really the bravest of all?〃; asked Lu Bu。

〃I despise the whole lot except Dong Zhuo。 He is one who respects wisdom and reveres scholarship; he is discriminating in his rewards and punishments。 Surely he is destined to be a really great man。〃

Lu Bu said; 〃I wish that I could serve him; but there is no way; I fear。〃

Then Li Su produced his pearls and gold and the jeweled belt and laid them out before his host。

〃What is this? What does it mean?〃 said Lu Bu。

〃Send away the attendants;〃 requested Li Su。 And he went on; 〃Dong Zhuo has long respected your bravery and sent these by my hand。 Red Hare was also from him。〃

〃But; if he loves me like this; what can I do in return?〃

Li Su said; 〃If a stupid fellow like me can be a general in the Imperial Tiger Army; it is impossible to say what honors await you。〃

〃I am sorry I can offer him no service worth mentioning。〃

Li Su said; 〃There is one service you can do; and an extremely easy one to perform; but you would not render that。〃

Lu Bu pondered long in silence; then he said; 〃I might slay Ding Yuan and bring over his soldiers to Dong Zhuos side。 What think you of that?〃

〃If you would do that; there could be no greater service。 But such a thing must be done quickly。〃

And Lu Bu promised his friend that he would do

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