


He made Xun Yu a Marching General。 The nephew Xun You was famed for his ability and had been in the court service when it was in Luoyang; but he had abandoned that career and retired to his village。 Cao Cao made him a Military Instructor。

Xun Yu said to Cao Cao; 〃There is a certain wise person of Yanzhou somewhere; but I do not know in whose service he is。〃

〃Who is he?〃

〃Cheng Yu。 He belongs to the eastern part of Yanzhou。〃

〃Yes; I have heard of him;〃 said Cao Cao。

So a messenger was sent to his native place to inquire。 Cheng Yu was away in the hills engaged in study; but he came at Cao Caos invitation。

〃I shall prove unworthy of your remendation;〃 said Cheng Yu to his friend Xun Yu; 〃for I am rough and ignorant。 But have you forgotten a fellow villager of yours; Guo Jia? He is really able。 Why not spread the net to catch him?〃

〃I had nearly forgotten;〃 said Xun Yu suddenly。

So he told Cao Cao of this man; who was at once invited。

Guo Jia; discussing the world at large with Cao Cao; remended Liu Ye from Henan; who was a descendant of Liu Xiu the Founder of Latter Han。 When Liu Ye had arrived; he was the means of inviting two more: Man Chong from Shanyang; and Lu Qian from Wucheng; who were already known to Cao Cao by reputation。 These two brought to their new masters notice the name of Mao Jie from Chenliu; who also came and was given office。 Then a famous leader; with his troop of some hundreds; arrived to offer service。 This was Yu Jin of Taishan; an expert horseman and archer; and skilled beyond his fellows in every form of military exercise。 He was made an army inspector。

Then another day Xiahou Dun brought a fellow to present to Cao Cao。

〃Who is he?〃 asked Cao Cao。

〃He is from Chenliu and is named Dian Wei。 He is the boldest of the bold; the strongest of the strong。 He was one of Zhang Miaos people; but quarreled with his tent panions and killed some dozens of them with his fists。 Then he fled to the mountains where I found him。 I was out shooting and saw him follow a tiger across a stream。 I persuaded him to join my troop; and I remend him。〃

〃I see he is no ordinary man;〃 said Cao Cao。 〃He is fine and straight and looks very powerful and bold。〃

〃He is。 He killed a man once to avenge a friend and carried his head through the whole market place。 Hundreds saw him; but dared not e near。 The weapon he uses now is a couple of spears; each weighs a hundred and twenty pounds; and he vaults into the saddle with these under his arm。〃

Cao Cao bade the man give proof of his skill。 So Dian Wei galloped to and fro carrying the spears。 Then he saw away among the tents a huge banner swaying dangerously with the force of the wind and on the point of falling。 A crowd of soldiers were vainly struggling to keep it steady。 Down he leaped; shouted to the men to clear out and held the staff quite steady with one hand; keeping it perfectly upright in spite of the strong wind。

'e' E Lai; whose physical strength was extraordinary; was a general of King Zhou; the last king of Shang Dynasty。

〃This is old E Lai* again!〃 said Cao Cao。

He gave Dian Wei a post in the headquarters and besides made Dian Wei presents of an embroidered robe he was wearing and a swift steed with a handsome saddle。

Cao Cao encouraged able people to assist him; and he had advisers on the civil side and valiant generals in the army。 He became famous throughout the East of the Pass。

Now Cao Caos father; Cao Song; was living at Langye; whither he had gone as a place free from the turmoil of the partisan struggles。 Cao Cao wished to be united with him。 As a dutiful son; Cao Cao sent the Governor of Taishan; Ying Shao; to escort his father to Yanzhou。 Old Cao Song read the letter with joy; and the family prepared to move。 They were some forty in all; with a train of a hundred servants and many carts。

Their road led through Xuzhou Region where the Imperial Protector; Tao Qian; was a sincere and upright man who had long wished to get on good terms with Cao Cao but; hitherto; had found no means of effecting a bond of union。 Hearing that the family of the great man was passing through his region; Tao Qian went to wele them; treated them with great cordiality; feasting and entertaining them for two days; and when they left; he escorted them to his boundary。 Further he sent with them one General Zhang Kai with a special escort of five hundred。

The whole party reached the county of Huafei。 It was the end of summer; just turning into autumn; and at this place they were stopped by a tremendous storm of rain。 The only shelter was an old temple and thither they went。 The family occupied the main rooms and the escort the two side wings。 The men of the escort were drenched; angry; and discontented。

Then Zhang Kai called some of his petty officers to a secret spot and said; 〃We are old Yellow Scarves and only submitted to Tao Qian because there was no other choice。 We have never got much out of it。 Now here is the Cao family with no end of gear; and we can be rich very easily。 We will make a sudden onslaught tonight at the third watch and slay the whole lot。 Then we shall have plenty of treasure; and we will get away to the mountains。〃

They all agreed。 The storm continued into the night and as Cao Song sat waiting anxiously for signs of clearing; he suddenly heard a hubbub at the w

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