





Salted Wisdom


A story tells about a senior villager who led other villagers carrying salt day and night to a town in order to trade barley as food for the winter。 One night they camped in a wilderness with a starry sky above。 The senior villager; obeying the tradition passed down from ancestry; took out three blocks of salt and threw them into the campfire; presumably to foretell the changes of weather in the mountains。

All eagerly awaited the old man’s “weather report”: if the salt in the fire produced crackling sound; they would have good weather in store; if no sound was produced; it then meant the good weather would soon end and a storm would e at any moment。

The senior villager looked serious。 The salt in the campfire made no sound at all。 Convinced by this bad omen; he urged the whole team to set out immediately after daybreak。 A young man in the group; however; insisted that they should not depart in such a hurry; deeming it absurdly superstitious to “forecast the weather by using salt”。 It was not until the next afternoon that the young man caught up on the wisdom of the old man when the weather suddenly changed; with cold winds blowing and a snowstorm raging。 In fact; the method employed by the clan head could be well explained by modem science: whether or not salt produces sound in campfire depends on air humidity。 That is to say; when a storm approaches; due to high humidity; the dampened salt blocks will not produce any sound in fire。

Young people often look down upon the philosophy of the old; regarding their ideas as obsolete and useless。 In reality; however; some beliefs in life are just like salt blocks that redistilled from the sea; old as they are; they remain crystals; and carry with them profound memories of the sea。

















The Last Hill

Francis Russell

On this waning autumn afternoon the northern Maine landscape is tart; pelling; shadowed here and there by puffs of fair…weather cumulus; remnants of summer。 Here; a dozen miles west of Waldoboro; I once spent my summers from the age of 12 to 14 at one of those Indian…named boys’ camps—more years ago than I like to think about。

I stand on the rise near what was once the baseball diamond。 To my right is the black oak; several hundred years old; beside which we used to hold our Saturday night campfires。 How many times on heat…heavy August days have I stood on this rise looking out over the wooded landscape toward the Camden hills? For me it was always a magical prospect; the austere countryside stretching away with the sharp definition of an 18th…century aquatint across hill and woodland to Mt。 Battie outlined against the horizon。 At our campfire evenings; when we gathered around the great oak just after sunset; Mount Battie without losing its definition would take on a blue luminosity。


Over the years a ragged second…growth of aspen and birch and speckled alder; at the far edge of the baseball diamond; has blotted out that view。 Now there is nothing to see beneath the crystalline sky but the uneven tops of second…growth trees。 Already the sky has begun to taken on the steelier tints of winter。 Even Mt。 Battie has disappeared。

On sultry afternoons; when the air quivered in the cool and fading light of early evening; I used to stand here by the old oak and look out across an interluden of scrub and swamp from which several miles away; a hill emerged。  As a hill it was insignificant enough。 Below its bare summit an abandoned pasture lay dotted with ground juniper and outcroppings of granite。 Yet something about that hill drew me; beckoned to me; across the miles。 I could not bear to take my eyes from it; I knew only that before summer ended I must go to it; (make my way over the pasture; up and up past shrub and granite until I stood on the very summit。) It was something I had to do。  I could not explain why。 I did not even ask myself。

Not that it was easy to get away from camp。 Morning and afternoon; our activitics were recorded in a counselor’s notebook。 We had to be swimming or rowing or playing tennis or baseball or practicing a track event or going off on nature walks or making some gadget in the carpentry shop—just so long as we did something。 But to do nothing; to climb a hill for no reason; that was outside the rules; against the “camp spirit。”

Saturday afternoons; with their influx of parents and visitors; brought a certain relaxation; less accountability。 On one such blue and vivid afternoon I slipped away to get to my hill。 From the great oak; I could see its summit ahead of me; unknown; inviting。 Inconspicuously; I edged along the baseball field; then slipped into the underbrush。

It was hard going; hard to keep a sense of direction in such a tangle of vine and thicket。 I stumbled over rotten logs; stepped into anthills。 Marsh hillocks gave way under my feet; dead branches snagged me; prickly seeds worked into my wet sneakers。 The air was stagnant。 With mosquitoes droning and hover…flies circling and darting; I plodded on; losing myself and losing track of time。

I must have been struggling on for at least an hour。 Suddenly I came to a clearing; an open grove of ash and maple; and as the sunlight filtered through the leaves。 I saw in front of me a eluster of ornate diminutivc houses。 Brightly painted in a variety of colors; trimmed with scrollwork and cusps and scalloped shingles; with narrow; high…pitched roofs; each was no more than an arm’s length from the next; and all were empty。 There was no sign of any living being。

To me; emerging from the wood; the sunlit grove was like something out of Grimm; as if this odd little village had been put under a spell and had been asleep for 100 years。 A yellow house in front of me with a blue…latticed front porch could have been waiting for Hansel and Gretel。 So quiet the grove was; so still the air; that even the aspen leaves hung limp。 Blu

远古那些事儿  (排球少年同人)关于暗恋这件事  读懂红楼,复兴文化  [HP]无法停止  绝杀黑天鹅  周瑜  野罂  重生之夏日倾情  萨古情劫  跑去对家做卧底靠吃瓜爆红  穿越之怪才妖女  空棺记  [综武侠]绑定登基系统后  剩妻吃嫩夫  药香娘子:夫君,别动  像少年啦飞驰  玄魔长生录  儿子与情人 完结版  罗布人圣地探险记:大昆仑之新疆秘符2  罪恶医界  


















