


nsel and Gretel。 So quiet the grove was; so still the air; that even the aspen leaves hung limp。 Blue and green dragonflies; poised in the air; added to the enchantment。 Far off; I could hear the wich…wich…wich of a yellow warbler and a locust’s somnolent buzz。 Otherwise silence。


I went up on the porch of a pinktrimmed house and peered through the single window。 What I saw was prosaics enough—a room with a couple of chairs; a table; a couch; a kerosene lamp。 A ladder led upstairs to a sleeping loft。 The grove was a mystery。 Why were those little houses there? Why were they empty and yet at the same time cared for? Who owned them? It was eerie to see these miniatures huddled together against all that space。 I half expected some guardian to e rushing out and ask me what I was doing there。

I suppose my enchanted village was some sort of camp meeting ground; used a few weeks each summer。 I never did find out。 On that afternoon I did not linger。 The sun’s rays were already slanting; the shadows longer; and my hill still lay ahead of me。 Again I plunged into the underbrush。 (breaking through at last to a rutted road scored with puddles。) But at the first turning I reached the foot of the hill; my hill; open and placed in the lengthened sunshine。 Its thin meadow grass had turned brown; a stone wall that once enclosed the pasture had fallen apart; and velvety mullein leaves were thrusting up between the boulders。 Up I went; over a granite ledge and across the meadow; trampling down hardhack and meadowsweet in my hurry to get to the top。

At last; under the sky’s bowl; I stood at the crest breathless; the hill solid; tangible under my feet。 So often I had seen it elusive in the distance。 Now I was there。 Yet even as I reached my goal; it began to slip away from me。 Straight ahead; beyond more miles of woodland; I could see another hill; somewhat higher; somewhat longer; cows grazing placidly on its cleared slope a summit hinged with green。 Mysterious; full of promise; it was a hill I should never reach。 Yet; in my old longing; that was where I wished I might be; on that farther hill。 But even as I looked at it。 I sensed that beyond there would be another hill; and beyond that yet another; beyond Mt。 Battie; beyond Maine; beyond the miles。 Even if I kept going round the world there would always be another hill。 And I knew then; suddenly and overwhelmirlgly; that one could never reach the last hill。










What Makes a Teacher


It is customary for adults to forget how hard and dull and long school is。 The learning by memory of all the basic things one must know is a most incredible and unending effort。 Learning to read is probably the most difficult and revolutionary thing that happens to the human brain and if you don’t believe that; watch an illiterate adult try to do it。 School is not easy and it is not for the most part very much fun; but then; if youare very lucky; you may find a real teacher。 Three real teachers in a lifetime is the very best of my luck。 My first was a science and math teacher in high school; my second; professor of creative writing at Stanford; and my third was my friend and partner; Ed Ricketts。

I have e to believe that a great teacher is a great artist and that there are as few as there are any other great artists。 It might even be the greatest of the arts since the medium is the human mind and spirit。

My three had these things in mon: they all loved what they were doing。 They did not tell; they catalyzed a burning desire to know。 Under their influence; the horizons sprung wide and fear went away and the unknown became knowledge。 But most important of all; the truth; that dangerous stuff; became beautiful and precious。

I shall speak only of my first teacher because in addition to the other things; she brought discovery。

She aroused us to shouting; book…waving discussion。 She had the noisiest class in school and she didn’t even seem to know it。 We could never stick to the subject。 Our speculation ranged the world。 She breathed curiosity into us so that we brought in facts or truths shielded in our hands like captured fireflies。

She was fired and perhaps rightly so; for failing to teach fundamentals。 Such things must be learned。 But she left a passion in us for the pure knowable world and she inflamed me with a curiosity which has never left。 I could not do simple arithmetic but through her I sensed that abstract mathematics was very much like music。 When she was relieved; a sadness came over us but the light did not go out。


药香娘子:夫君,别动  远古那些事儿  儿子与情人 完结版  罗布人圣地探险记:大昆仑之新疆秘符2  [综武侠]绑定登基系统后  跑去对家做卧底靠吃瓜爆红  野罂  玄魔长生录  [HP]无法停止  萨古情劫  穿越之怪才妖女  (排球少年同人)关于暗恋这件事  周瑜  绝杀黑天鹅  像少年啦飞驰  读懂红楼,复兴文化  重生之夏日倾情  空棺记  罪恶医界  剩妻吃嫩夫  


















