


Rinaldi poured himself another glass of the cognac。

〃I dont think it will hurt you; baby。 You take it。〃

I drank the cognac and felt it warm all the way down。 Rinaldi poured another glass。 He was quieter now。 He held up the glass。 〃To your valorous wounds。 To the silver medal。 Tell me; baby; when you lie here all the time in the hot weather dont you get excited?〃


〃I cant imagine lying like that。 I would go crazy。〃

〃You are crazy。〃

〃I wish you were back。 No one to e in at night from adventures。 No one to make fun of。 No one to lend me money。 No blood brother and roommate。 Why do you get yourself wounded?〃

〃You can make fun of the priest。〃

〃That priest。 It isnt me that makes fun of him。 It is the captain。 I like him。 If you must have a priest have that priest。 Hes ing to see you。 He makes big preparations。〃

〃I like him。〃

〃Oh; I knew it。 Sometimes I think you and he are a little that way。 You know。〃

〃No; you dont。〃

〃Yes; I do sometimes。 A little that way like the number of the first regiment of the Brigata Ancona。〃

〃Oh; go to hell。〃

He stood up and put on his gloves。

〃Oh I love to tease you; baby。 With your priest and your English girl; and really you are just like me underneath。〃

〃No; Im not。〃

〃Yes; we are。 You are really an Italian。 All fire and smoke and nothing inside。 You only pretend to be American。 We are brothers and we love each other。〃

〃Be good while Im gone;〃 I said。

〃I will send Miss Barkley。 You are better with her without me。 You are purer and sweeter。〃

〃Oh; go to hell。〃

〃I will send her。 Your lovely cool goddess。 English goddess。 My God what would a man do with a woman like that except worship her? What else is an Englishwoman good for?〃

〃You are an ignorant foul…mouthed dago。〃

〃A what?〃

〃An ignorant wop。〃

〃Wop。 You are a frozen…faced 。 。 。 wop。〃

〃You are ignorant。 Stupid。〃 I saw that word pricked him and kept on。 〃Uninformed。 Inexperienced; stupid from inexperience。〃

〃Truly? I tell you something about your good women。 Your goddesses。 There is only one difference between taking a girl who has always been good and a woman。 With a girl it is painful。 Thats all I know。〃 He slapped the bed with his glove。 〃And you never know if the girl will really like it。〃

〃Dont get angry。〃

〃Im not angry。 I just tell you; baby; for your own good。 To save you trouble。〃

〃Thats the only difference?〃

〃Yes。 But millions of fools like you dont know it。〃

〃You were sweet to tell me。〃

〃We wont quarrel; baby。 I love you too much。 But dont be a fool。〃

〃No。 Ill be wise like you。〃

〃Dont be angry; baby。 Laugh。 Take a drink。 I must go; really。〃

〃Youre a good old boy。〃

月在回廊新月如钩_(全书已完结)  三年抱俩,冷硬军官别太宠  一默如雷  小宫女(辣)  师兄竟是战略级房产经纪大师  邪妃盗情:粘人相公太妖娆  爱恨交织  昆仑镜之宁不臣  药膳空间[种田养子] 作者:辣椒拌饭  郭靖,别跑(  斗罗:千仞雪的伐神之路  四合院:从杀猪佬开始  爱江山  北后  我只想闯荡江湖  言咒师  [HP]成为獾祖的人生  奇怪的运动  重生之成就非凡  侍灵记  


















