


〃How many have you got; Ettore?〃 asked the vice…consul。

〃Hes got everything;〃 Simmons said。 〃Hes the boy theyre running the war for。〃

〃Ive got the bronze twice and three silver medals;〃 said Ettore。 〃But the papers on only one have e through。〃

〃Whats the matter with the others?〃 asked Simmons。

〃The action wasnt successful;〃 said Ettore。 〃When the action isnt successful they hold up all the medals。〃

〃How many times have you been wounded; Ettore?〃

〃Three times bad。 I got three wound stripes。 See?〃 He pulled his sleeve around。 The stripes were parallel silver lines on a black background sewed to the cloth of the sleeve about eight inches below the shoulder。

〃You got one too;〃 Ettore said to me。 〃Believe me theyre fine to have。 Id rather have them than medals。 Believe me; boy; when you get three youve got something。 You only get one for a wound that puts you three months in the hospital。〃

〃Where were you wounded; Ettore?〃 asked the vice…consul。

Ettore pulled up his sleeve。

〃Here;〃 he showed the deep smooth red scar。 〃Here on my leg。 I cant show you that because I got puttees on; and in the foot。 Theres dead bone in my foot that stinks right now。 Every morning I take new little pieces out and it stinks all the time。〃

〃What hit you?〃 asked Simmons。

〃A hand…grenade。 One of those potato mashers。 It just blew the whole side of my foot off。 You know those potato mashers?〃 He turned to me。


〃I saw the son of a bitch throw it;〃 Ettore said。 〃It knocked me down and I thought I was dead all right but those damn potato mashers havent got anything in them。 I shot the son of a bitch with my rifle。 I always carry a rifle so they cant tell Im an officer。〃

〃How did he look?〃 asked Simmons。

〃That was the only one he had;〃 Ettore said。 〃I dont know why he threw it。 I guess he always wanted to throw one。 He never saw any real fighting probably。 I shot the son of a bitch all right。〃

〃How did he look when you shot him?〃 Simmons asked。

〃Hell; how should I know?〃 said Ettore。 〃I shot him in the belly。 I was afraid Id miss him if I shot him in the head。〃

〃How long have you been an officer; Ettore?〃 I asked。

〃Two years。 Im going to be a captain。 How long have you been a lieutenant?〃

〃Going on three years。〃

〃You cant be a captain because you dont know the Italian language well enough;〃 Ettore said。 〃You can talk but you cant read and write well enough。 You got to have an education to be a captain。 Why dont you go in the American army?〃

〃Maybe I will。〃

〃I wish to God I could。 Oh; boy; how much does a captain get; Mac?〃

〃I dont know exactly。 Around two hundred and fifty dollars; I think。〃

〃Jesus Christ what I could do with two hundred and fifty dollars。 You better get in the American army quick; Fred。 See if you cant get me in。〃

〃All right。〃

〃I can mand a pany in Italian。 I could learn it in English easy。〃

〃Youd be a general;〃 said Simmons。

〃No; I dont know enough to be a general。 A generals got to know a hell of a lot。 You guys think there aint anything to war。 You aint got brains enough to be a second…class corporal。〃

〃Thank God I dont have to be;〃 Simmons said。

〃Maybe you will if they round up all you slackers。 Oh; boy; Id like to have you two in my platoon。 Mac too。 Id make you my orderly; Mac。〃

〃Youre a great boy; Ettore;〃 Mac said。 〃But Im afraid youre a militarist。〃

〃Ill be a colonel before the wars over;〃 Ettore said。

〃If they dont kill you。〃

〃They wont kill me。〃 He touched the stars at his collar with his thumb and forefinger。 〃See me do that? We always touch our stars if anybody mentions getting killed。〃

〃Lets go; Sim;〃 said Saunders standing up。

〃All right。〃

邪妃盗情:粘人相公太妖娆  师兄竟是战略级房产经纪大师  郭靖,别跑(  北后  斗罗:千仞雪的伐神之路  小宫女(辣)  [HP]成为獾祖的人生  言咒师  四合院:从杀猪佬开始  奇怪的运动  昆仑镜之宁不臣  一默如雷  爱恨交织  侍灵记  月在回廊新月如钩_(全书已完结)  我只想闯荡江湖  药膳空间[种田养子] 作者:辣椒拌饭  三年抱俩,冷硬军官别太宠  爱江山  重生之成就非凡  


















