


〃Darling; please be sensible。 Its not deserting from the army。 Its only the Italian army。〃

I laughed。 〃Youre a fine girl。 Lets get back into bed。 I feel fine in bed。〃

A little while later Catherine said; 〃You dont feel like a criminal do you?〃

〃No;〃 I said。 〃Not when Im with you。〃

〃Youre such a silly boy;〃 she said。 〃But Ill look after you。 Isnt it splendid; darling; that I dont have any morning…sickness?〃

〃Its grand。〃

〃You dont appreciate what a fine wife you have。 But I dont care。 Ill get you some place where they cant arrest you and then well have a lovely time。〃

〃Lets go there right away。〃

〃We will; darling。 Ill go any place any time you wish。〃

〃Lets not think about anything。〃

〃All right。〃


Catherine went along the lake to the little hotel to see Ferguson and I sat in the bar and read the papers。 There were fortable leather chairs in the bar and I sat in one of them and read until the barman came in。 The army had not stood at the Tagliamento。 They were falling back to the Piave。 I remembered the Piave。 The railroad crossed it near San Dona going up to the front。 It was deep and slow there and quite narrow。 Down below there were mosquito marshes and canals。 There were some lovely villas。 Once; before the war; going up to Cortina DAmpezzo I had gone along it for several hours in the hills。 Up there it looked like a trout stream; flowing swiftly with shallow stretches and pools under the shadow of the rocks。 The road turned off from it at Cadore。 I wondered how the army that was up there would e down。 The barman came in。

〃Count Greffi was asking for you;〃 he said。


〃Count Greffi。 You remember the old man who was here when you were here before。〃

〃Is he here?〃

〃Yes; hes here with his niece。 I told him you were here。 He wants you to play billiards。〃

〃Where is he?〃

〃Hes taking a walk。〃

〃How is he?〃

〃Hes younger than ever。 He drank three champagne cocktails last night before dinner。〃

〃Hows his billiard game?〃

〃Good。 He beat me。 When I told him you were here he was very pleased。 Theres nobody here for him to play with。〃

Count Greffi was ninety…four years old。 He had been a contemporary of Metternich and was an old man with white hair and mustache and beautiful manners。 He had been in the diplomatic service of both Austria and Italy and his birthday parties were the great social event of Milan。 He was living to be one hundred years old and played a smoothly fluent game of billiards that contrasted with his own ninety…four…year…old brittleness。 I had met him when I had been at Stresa once before out of season and while we played billiards we drank champagne。 I thought it was a splendid custom and he gave me fifteen points in a hundred and beat me。

〃Why didnt you tell me he was here?〃

〃I forgot it。〃

〃Who else is here?〃

〃No one you know。 There are only six people altogether。〃

〃What are you doing now?〃


〃e on out fishing。〃

〃I could e for an hour。〃

〃e on。 Bring the trolling line。〃

The barman put on a coat and we went out。 We went down and got a boat and I rowed while the barman sat in the stern and let out the line with a spinner and a heavy sinker on the end to troll for lake trout。 We rowed along the shore; the barman holding the line in his hand and giving it occasional jerks forward。 Stresa looked very deserted from the lake。 There were the long rows of bare trees; the big hotels and the closed villas。 I rowed across to Isola Bella and went close to the walls; where the water deepened sharply; and you saw the rock wall slanting down in the clear water; and then up and along to the fishermans island。 The sun was under a cloud and

我只想闯荡江湖  药膳空间[种田养子] 作者:辣椒拌饭  重生之成就非凡  月在回廊新月如钩_(全书已完结)  北后  爱江山  言咒师  奇怪的运动  师兄竟是战略级房产经纪大师  三年抱俩,冷硬军官别太宠  四合院:从杀猪佬开始  爱恨交织  一默如雷  邪妃盗情:粘人相公太妖娆  侍灵记  昆仑镜之宁不臣  斗罗:千仞雪的伐神之路  郭靖,别跑(  小宫女(辣)  [HP]成为獾祖的人生  


















