


〃I should think four or five hundred。〃

〃Now;〃 said Guan Yu; 〃I am going to take the shortest road to find my brother。 Can you go to summon your army and lead them along the high road to assist me?〃

With instructions to bring up this force; Zhou Cang left; while Guan Yu and Sun Qian and their small escort went off to the north。

When they drew near the boundary; Sun Qian said; 〃You must be careful how you go over。 You ought to stop here while I go in; see Uncle Liu Bei; and take the necessary steps。〃

Seeing the wisdom of this; Guan Yu stopped there and sent his panion in advance。 He and his followers going up to a nearby farm as an abiding place。

When they got to the farm; out came a venerable man leaning on a staff。 After exchanging salutes; Guan Yu told the old man all about himself。

〃My family name is also Guan; my personal name being Ding;〃 said the old man。 〃I know your reputation; and I am very happy to meet you。〃

Guan Ding sent for his two sons to e and make their bow。 He put up Guan Yu in his house and provided for his escort in the farm buildings。

In the meantime Sun Qian had made his way to Jizhou City and told Liu Bei the whole story。

Liu Bei said; 〃Jian Yong is also here。 We will send for him secretly to talk over this matter。〃

They did so; and when the usual salutes had been exchanged; they three began to consider the means of getting away。

〃My lord;〃 said Jian Yong; 〃you see Yuan Shao personally and say you wish to go to Jingzhou to see Liu Biao about a scheme for the destruction of Cao Cao。 That will give an excuse。〃

〃That seems best;〃 said Liu Bei; 〃but will you go with me?〃

〃I have another plan to extricate myself;〃 said Jian Yong。

Having settled their plans; Liu Bei soon went in to see his protector and suggested; 〃Liu Biao is strong and well posted。 His help should be sought against our enemy。〃

〃I have sent messengers repeatedly to ask his help;〃 said Yuan Shao; 〃but he is unwilling。〃

〃As he and I are of the same family; he will not refuse me if I go and ask him;〃 said Liu Bei。

〃Certainly he is worth much more than Liu Pi。 You shall go。〃

〃I have just heard;〃 Yuan Shao continued; 〃that Guan Yu has left Cao Cao and wants to e here。 If he does; I will put him to death out of revenge for my two beloved generals………Yan Liang and Wen Chou。〃

〃Illustrious Sir; you wished to employ him and so I sent for him。 Now you threaten to put him to death。 The two men he slew were but deer pared with such a tiger as he is。 When you exchange a couple of deer for a tiger; you need not plain of the bargain。〃

〃Really I like him;〃 said Yuan Shao。 〃I was only joking。 You can send another messenger for him and tell him to e soon。〃

〃May I send Sun Qian for him?〃


After Liu Bei had gone; Jian Yong came in and said to Yuan Shao; 〃If Liu Bei goes; he will not e back。 I had better go to speak to Liu Biao。 And I can keep a watch on Liu Bei。〃

Yuan Shao agreed and issued orders for both to go。

On the subject of the mission; Guo Tu came in to his chief to dissuade him。

Said Guo Tu; 〃Liu Bei went to speak to Liu Pi; but he acplished nothing。 Now you are sending Jian Yong with him; and I am sure neither will ever return。〃

〃Do not be too suspicious;〃 said Yuan Shao。 〃Jian Yong is clever enough。〃

That was the end of the interview。 Forthwith Liu Bei sent Sun Qian back to Guan Yu and then; with Jian Yong; took leave of Yuan Shao and rode out of the city; As soon as they reached the border line; they met Sun Qian and all three rode off to Guan Dings farm to meet Guan Yu。 He came out to wele them; bowed and then seized his brothers hands while tears streamed down his face。

Presently the two sons of their host came to bow to the visitors。 Liu Bei asked their names。

〃These are of the same name as myself;〃 said Guan Yu。 〃The sons are Guan Neng; who is a student; and Guan Ping; who is to be a soldier。〃

〃I have been thinking of sending the younger in your train; General;〃 said old Guan Ding; 〃Would you take him?〃

〃What is his age?〃 said Liu Bei。

〃He is eighteen。〃

Liu Bei said; 〃Since; O Senior; you are so kind; I venture to suggest that your son should be adopted by my brother; who has no son of his own。 What think you of that?〃

Guan Ding was perfectly willing; so he called Guan Ping and bade him make a sons obeisance to Guan Yu and to style Liu Bei 〃Uncle。〃

Then it was time to get on their way lest they should be pursued; and with Guan Yu went Guan Ping。 Guan Ding and Guan Ning escorted them a long distance and then returned。

The party took the road to Sleeping Bull Mountain。 Before they had gone very far; they met Zhou Cang with a small party。 He was wounded。 He was introduced to Liu Bei who asked him how it was。

He replied; 〃Before I reached the hill; a certain warrior all alone; had fought with my friend Pei Yuanshao and killed him。 Then many of our troops surrendered to him; and he occupied our old camp。 When I reached it; I tried to allure the soldiers back to my side but only succeeded with a f

审计风雨:豆豆升职记  我和一个妓女的纯情故事  血夜爱上猫  契约内婚姻 作者:沐声  炒股就是炒心态  都市危情  爱上酷蛇王  野人凶猛  大唐乘风录之洛阳天擂  重金属外壳  幻想乡游戏  冷酷太子  重生之为我而狂  官场春秋  地球online  欲之海  美女总裁爱上我  南方·爱  七号簿  悬疑志·合刊  


















