


o the waters。〃

Thereupon Wen Ping sprang into a small light craft and sailed out; followed by ten cruisers which came at his signal。

Standing in the prow of his ship; Wen Ping called out to those advancing toward them; 〃You southern ships are not to approach! Such are the orders of the Prime Minister。 Stop there in mid stream!〃

The soldiers all yelled to them to lower their sails。 The shout had not died away when a bowstring twanged; and Wen Ping rolled down into the ship with an arrow in the left arm。 Confusion reigned on his ship; and all the others hurried back to their camp。

When the ships were about a mile of distant; Huang Gai waved his sword and the leading ships broke forth into fire; which; under the force of the strong wind; soon gained strength and the ships became as fiery arrows。 Soon the whole twenty dashed into the naval camp。

All Cao Caos ships were gathered there; and as they were firmly chained together not one could escape from the others and flee。 There was a roar of bombs and fireships came on from all sides at once。 The face of the three rivers was speedily covered with fire which flew before the wind from one ship to another。 It seemed as if the universe was filled with flame。

Cao Cao hastened toward the shore。 Huang Gai; with a few troops at his back; leaped into a small boat; dashed through the fire; and sought Cao Cao。 Cao Cao; seeing the imminence of the danger; was making for the land。 Zhang Liao got hold of a small boat into which he helped his master; none too soon; for the ship was burning。 They got Cao Cao out of the thick of the fire and dashed for the bank。

Huang Gai; seeing a handsomely robed person get into a small boat; guessed it must be Cao Cao and pursued。

He drew very near and he held his keen blade ready to strike; crying out; 〃You rebel! Do not flee。 I am Huang Gai。〃

Cao Cao howled in the bitterness of his distress。 Zhang Liao fitted an arrow to his bow and aimed at the pursuer; shooting at short range。 The roaring of the gale and the flames kept Huang Gai from hearing the twang of the string; and he was wounded in the shoulder。 He fell and rolled over into the water。

He fell in peril of water

When flames were high;

Ere cudgel bruises had faded;

An arrow struck。

Huang Gais fate will be told in the next chapter。

Main Next to Chapter 50 》》

Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Zhuge Liang Foresees The Huarong Valley Episode;

Guan Yu Lifts His Saber To Release Cao Cao。

The last chapter closed with Huang Gai in the water wounded; Cao Cao rescued from immediate danger; and confusion rampant among the soldiers。 Pressing forward to attack the naval camp; Han Dang was told by his soldiers that someone was clinging to the rudder of his boat and shouting to him by his familiar name。 Han Dang listened carefully and in the voice at once he recognized that Huang Gai was calling to him for help。

〃That is my friend Huang Gai!〃 cried he; and they quickly pulled the wounded leader out of the water。

Then they saw Huang Gai was wounded for the arrow still stuck。 Han Dang bit out the shaft of the arrow but the point was deeply buried in the flesh。 They hastily pulled off his wet garments and cut out the metal arrowhead with a dagger; tore up one of the flags; and bound up the wound。 Then Han Dang gave Huang Gai his own fighting robe to put on and sent him off in a small boat back to camp。

Huang Gais escape from drowning must be taken as proof of his natural affinity for; or sympathy with; water。 Although it was the period of great cold and he was heavy with armor when he fell into the river; yet he escaped with life。

In this great battle at the junction of the three rivers; the Three Gorges; when fire seemed to spread wide over all the wide surface of the water; when the earth quaked with the roar of battle; when land forces closed in on both wings and four battle squadrons advanced on the front; when the ferocity of fire answered the clash of weapons and weapons were aided by fire; under the thrusts of spears and the flights of arrows; burnt by fire and drowned by water; Cao Cao lost an incalculable number of troops。 And a poet wrote:

When Wei and Wu together strove

For the mastery;

In the Red Cliffs fight the tall ships

Vanished from the sea;

For there the fierce flames; leaping high。

Burned them utterly。

So Zhou Yu for his liege lord

Got the victory。

And another poem runs:

The hills are high; the moon shines faint。

The waters stretch afar;

I sigh to think how oft this land

Has suffered stress of war;

爱上酷蛇王  审计风雨:豆豆升职记  重金属外壳  炒股就是炒心态  契约内婚姻 作者:沐声  地球online  官场春秋  悬疑志·合刊  血夜爱上猫  我和一个妓女的纯情故事  大唐乘风录之洛阳天擂  七号簿  欲之海  重生之为我而狂  美女总裁爱上我  冷酷太子  野人凶猛  南方·爱  幻想乡游戏  都市危情  


















