


und for his chief opponent。 Seeing a yellow flag moving along quietly; he concluded that Zhuge Liang was with it and so followed it。 When the flag had gone over the shoulder of a hill it stopped。 Then suddenly as if the earth had opened and swallowed it up; the four…wheeled carriage disappeared; while in its place came a ferocious warrior; with a long serpent halberd in his hand and mounted on a curvetting steed。 It was Zhang Fei; who dashed at Xing Darong with a tremendous roar。

Nothing daunted; Xing Darong whirled up his battle…ax and went to meet Zhang Fei。 But after four or five bouts; Xing Darong saw that there was no chance of victory for him; so he turned his horse and ran。 Zhang Fei pursued; the air shaking with the thunder of his voice。 Then the ambushing troops appeared。 Xing Darong; nothing daunted; rushed into their midst。

But in front appeared another warrior barring the way; who called out; 〃Do you know me? I am Zhao Yun of Changshan。〃

Xing Darong knew that all was over。 He could neither fight nor fly。 So he dismounted and gave in。 He was fettered and taken to camp; where were Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang。 Liu Bei ordered him out to execution; but Zhuge Liang hastily checked him。

〃We will accept your submission if you capture Liu Xiang for us;〃 said Zhuge Liang。

The captive accepted the offer without the least hesitation。

When Zhuge Liang asked how he intended to do it; he replied; 〃If you will set me free; I shall be cunning of speech。 If you raid the camp this evening; you will find me your helper on the inside。 I will make Liu Xiang a prisoner and will hand him over to you。 He being captured; his father will surrender at once。〃

Liu Bei doubted the good faith of the man; but Zhuge Liang said; 〃Xing Darong is not deceiving。〃

Wherefore Xing Darong was set free and went back to camp; where he related all that had occurred。

〃What can we do?〃 asked Liu Xiang。

〃We can meet trick with trick。 Put soldiers in ambush tonight outside our camp while within everything will appear as usual。 When Zhuge Liang es we shall capture him。〃

The ambush was prepared。 At the second watch an army came out of the darkness and appeared in the gate。 Each carried a torch and they began to set fire to all about them。 Out dashed Liu Xiang and Xing Darong; and the incendiaries forthwith fled。 The two warriors pursued them; but the fugitives ran and then suddenly disappeared at about three miles from the camp。

Much surprised the two turned to wend their way back to their own camp。 It was still burning for no one had extinguished the flames。 Soon from behind them came out Zhang Fei。

Liu Xiang called out to his panion; saying; 〃Do not enter the burning camp; but to go to attack Zhuge Liangs stockade。〃

Thereupon they turned again; but at a distance of three miles Zhao Yun and an army suddenly debouched upon their road。 Zhao Yun attacked and slew Xing Darong by a spear thrust。 Liu Xiang turned to flee; but Zhang Fei was close upon him and made him prisoner。 He was thrown across a horse; bound; and taken to camp。

When he saw Zhuge Liang; Liu Xiang said; 〃The ruse was Xing Darongs evil counsel。 I was forced to follow。〃

Zhuge Liang ordered them to loose his bonds; had him properly dressed; and gave him wine to cheer him and help him forget his troubles。 When he was recovered; he was told to go to his father and persuade him to yield。

〃And if he does not; the city shall be destroyed and everyone put to death;〃 said Zhuge Liang as Liu Xiang left。

The son returned to the city and told his father these things。 Liu Du at once decided to yield and forthwith hoisted the flag of surrender; opened the gates; and went out taking his seal of office with him。 He was reappointed to his governorship; but his son was sent to Jingzhou for service with the army。

The people of Lingling all rejoiced greatly at the change of rulers。 Liu Bei entered the city; calmed and reassured the people; and rewarded his army。

But he at once began to think of the next move and asked for an officer to volunteer to take Guiyang。 Zhao Yun offered; but Zhang Fei vehemently proposed himself for the mand of the expedition。 So they wrangled and contended。

Then said Zhuge Liang; 〃Undoubtedly Zhao Yun was first to volunteer; wherefore he is to go。〃

Still Zhang Fei opposed and insisted on going。 They were told to decide the dispute by drawing lots; and Zhao Yun drew the winning lot。

Zhang Fei was still very angry and grumbled; 〃I would not have wanted any helpers: Just three thousand soldiers and I would have done it。〃

〃I also only want three thousand soldiers;〃 said Zhao Yun。 〃And if I fail; I am willing to suffer the penalties。〃

Zhuge Liang was pleased that Zhao Yun recognized his responsibility so fully; and with the mission he gave Zhao Yun three thousand of veterans。

Though the matter was thus settled; Zhang Fei was discontented and pressed his claim till Liu Bei bade him desist and retire。

With his three thousand troops; Zhao Yun took the road to Guiyang。 The Governor; Zhao Fan; soon heard of his approach and hastily called his officers to take counsel。 Two of them; Chen Ying and Bao Long; offered to meet the invaders and turn them back。

These two warriors belonged to Guiyang and had made themselves famous as hunters。 Chen Ying used a 〃Flying Fork;〃 and Bao Long could draw a bow with such force that he had been known to send an arrow through two tigers。 So strong were they; as well as bold。

悬疑志·合刊  审计风雨:豆豆升职记  爱上酷蛇王  野人凶猛  炒股就是炒心态  契约内婚姻 作者:沐声  冷酷太子  地球online  重金属外壳  美女总裁爱上我  七号簿  幻想乡游戏  我和一个妓女的纯情故事  欲之海  重生之为我而狂  南方·爱  官场春秋  都市危情  大唐乘风录之洛阳天擂  血夜爱上猫  


















