


l and military officers took their places。 Civil officers of repute and generals of renown drank one to another; and hearty felicitations were exchanged。

Cao Cao looked around to those about him; saying; 〃Since the military officers have peted in mounted archery for our enjoyment and displayed their boldness and their skill; you; Gentlemen Scholars; stuffed full of learning as you are; can surely mount the terrace and present some plimentary odes to make the occasion a perfect success。〃

〃We are most willing to obey your mands;〃 they replied; all bowing low。

At that time there was a band of four scholars named Wang Lang; Zhong Yao; Wang Can; and Chen Lin; and each of them presented a poem。 Every poem sang the praises of Cao Caos valuable services and great merits and said he was worthy to receive the highest trust of all。

When Cao Cao had read them; he laughed; saying; 〃You gentlemen are really too flattering。 As a fact I am but an ignoramus who began life with a simple bachelors degree and remendations for filial devotion。 And when the troubles began; I built for myself a little cottage in the country near Qiao; where I could study in spring and summer and spend the rest of the year in hunting till the empire was once more tranquil and I could emerge and take office。

〃To my surprise; I was chosen for a small military office which changed my intentions; and I determined to repress the rebellion and so make a name for myself。 I thought that I might win an inscription on my tomb to the effect that it covered the remains of the Lord Cao Cao Who Restores Order in the West。 That would have been ample for a lifes work。 I recall now how I destroyed Dong Zhuo and smote the Yellow Scarves; then I made away with Yuan Shu and broke the power of Lu Bu; next I exterminated Yuan Shao; and at the death of Liu Biao; I had subdued the whole empire。

'e' King Wen; aka the Scholar King; founder of the Zhou Dynasty; father of King Wu。 King Wen did not actually founded the dynasty; but he laid the foundation for Zhou。 At the end of Shang Dynasty; the state Zhou of King Wen had already possessed two…thirds of the empire; but King Wen still faithfully served the last emperor of Shang。 。。。。。

'e' Duke of Zhou was brother of King Wu; who was the founder of Zhou Dynasty。 After King Wus death; the Duke of Zhou served his young son as regent。 The Duke of Zhou pletely ended the Shang domination; and he helped establish the Zhou administrative framework; which served as a model for future Chinese dynasties。 Zhou Dynasty lasted for 800 years (BC 1050…221)。 。。。。。

'e' Yi Yin was was helper and prime minister of King Tang; the founder of Shang Dynasty。 After King Tangs death; Yi Yin served his sons and grandson。 Soon after Tai Jia; King Tangs grandson; ascended the throne; he mitted many faults; and Yi Yin; acting as regent; exiled Tai Jia to Tong Palace………the burial place of King Tang。 After three years Yi Yin returned him the throne。 Tai Jia eventually became an enlightened emperor。 Shang Dynasty lasted for 650 years (BC 1700…1050)。 It was this act of Yi Yin rather than his services in building up an empire that has made him immortal。 Whether he did right in temporarily dethroning the king was open to question; until a final verdict was rendered by Mencius who thought that his ends amply justified his means。 This historical event attests the extent of the power exercised by a prime minister in those days。 。。。。。

〃As a minister of state I have attained the topmost pinnacle of honor; and I have no more to hope for。 Were it not for poor me; I know not how many there would be styling themselves emperors and dubbing themselves princes。 Certain there be who; seeing my great authority; think I have some ulterior aim。 But they are quite wrong。 I ever bear in mind what Confucius said of King Wen of Zhou*; that he was perfectly virtuous; and this saying is ever engraved on my mind。 If I could; I would do away with my armies and retire to my fief with my simple title of Lord of Wuping。 Alas! I cannot。 I am afraid to lay down my military powers lest I should e to harm。 Should I be defeated; the state would totter; and so I may not risk real misfortune for the sake of an empty reputation for kindness。 There be some of you who do not know my heart。〃

As he closed; they all rose and bowed their heads; saying; 〃None are your equals; O Prime Minister; not even Duke of Zhou* or the great Minister Yi Yin*。〃

A poem has been written referring to this:

Had Duke Zhou; the virtuous; died; while foul…mouthed slander

was spreading vile rumors;

Or Wang Mang; the treacherous; while he was noted for the

deference paid to learned men;

None would have known their real characters。

After this oration Cao Cao drank many cups of wine in quick succession till he became very intoxicated。 He bade his servants bring him brush and inkstone so that he might pose a poem。

But as he was beginning to write; they announced; 〃The Marquis of Wu has sent Hua Xin as an envoy and presented a memorial to appoint Liu Bei Imperial Protector of Jingzhou。 Sun Quans sister is now Liu Beis wife; while on the River Han; the greater part of the nine territories is under Liu Beis rule。〃

Cao Cao was seized with quaking fear at the news and threw the pen on the floor。

Cheng Yu said to him; 〃O Prime Minister; you have been among fighting soldiers by myriads and in danger from stones and arrows many a time and never quailed。 Now the news that Liu Bei has got possession of a small tract of country throws you into a panic。 Why is it thus?〃

Cao Cao replied; 〃Liu Bei is a dragon among humans。 All his life hitherto he has never found his element; but now that he has obtained Jingzhou: It is as if the dragon; once captive; had escaped to the mighty deep。 There is good reason for me to quake with fear。〃

〃Do you know the reason of the ing of Hua Xin?〃 said Cheng Yu。

〃No; I know not;〃 said the Prime Minister。

〃Liu Bei is Sun Quans one terror; and Sun Quan would attack Liu Bei were it not for you; O Prime Minister。 Sun Quan feels you would fall upon him while he was smiting his enemy。 Wherefore he has taken this means of calming Liu Beis suspicions and fears and at the same time directing your enmity toward Liu Bei and from himself。〃

Cao Cao nodded。 〃Yes;〃 he said。

Cheng Yu continued; 〃Now this is my plan to set Sun Quan and Liu Bei at one another and give you the opportunity to destroy both。 It can be done easily。〃

〃What is your plan?〃 asked Cao Cao。

〃The one prop of the South Land is Zhou Yu。 Remove it by memorializing that Zhou Yu be appointed Governor of Nanjun。 Then get Cheng Pu made Governor of Jiangxia; and cause the Emperor to retain this Hua Xin in the capital to await some important post。 Zhou Yu will assuredly attack Liu Bei; and that will be our chance。 Is not the scheme good?〃

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