


〃My lord; is it that you do not understand your brother even after all these years? He is brave and steady; yet when we first invaded West River Land; he released Yan Yan; which was not what a mere brave would have done。 He is face to face with Zhang He; and has been for nearly two months; and day after day he drinks and rages and insults his enemy openly。 He treats Zhang He with most perfect contempt。 But this is not only the wine cup; it is a deep plan to get the better of Zhang He。〃

〃This may be so;〃 replied Liu Bei; 〃but let us not rely upon it too much。 Let Wei Yan go to help him。〃

Zhuge Liang sent Wei Yan with the wine; and the carts set out; each flying a yellow flag with a writing in large characters: Fine Wine for the Frontier Army 。

When Wei Yan reached the army; he handed over the wine; which he said was a gift from the Lord of Shu。 And Zhang Fei received it with due respect。

Zhang Fei told Wei Yan and Lei Tong each to take a thousand troops and move out on the two wings; ready to act when they saw a red flag displayed。 And then he had the wine laid out and called up some soldiers to drink with a great display of flags and a rolling of drums。

The spies reported all these doings on the hill…top; and Zhang He came out to look for himself。 There he saw his opponent drinking; and two of the soldiers were boxing before Zhang Fei for his amusement。

〃He despises me too much;〃 said Zhang He。

And Zhang He gave orders to prepare for a night attack on the enemy camp。 His own troops in Camp Dangqu should do the raiding; and those from Camp Mengtou and Camp Dangshi were to support them。

There was little moon that night; and Zhang He took advantage of the obscurity to steal down the side of the hill。 He got quite close to the enemy camp and stood for a time looking at Zhang Fei sitting amid a blaze of lamps and drinking。 Suddenly Zhang He dashed forward with a yell; and at the same moment his drums on the hill…top rolled out their defiance。 Zhang Fei never stirred。 Zhang He rushed at him and delivered a mighty thrust with his spear。 Zhang Fei toppled over………it was a Zhang Fei of straw。 Zhang He checked and turned his steed。 At that moment he heard a string of detonations; and a warrior appeared before him barring his way。 It was the real Zhang Fei; as the round head and thundering voice speedily made manifest。

With the serpent halberd set; Zhang Fei rode toward Zhang He。 The two warriors fought many bouts under the gleaming lights。 No help came to Zhang He。 In vain he yearned for the assistance; which the two camps were to bring him。 He did not know that his reinforcements had been driven back by Wei Yan and Lei Tong; and that the two camps; Mengtou and Dangshi; were now in possession of his enemies。 As the help did not e; Zhang He was powerless; and; to add to his disfiture; the glare of fire out in the moutains of Dangqu told him of the seizure of his third camp by Zhang Feis rear force。 Nothing could be done; and Zhang He cut an alley; forced out of the press; and fled to Wakou Pass。 The victory was all to Zhang Fei。

The news of the success delighted Liu Bei; and he knew then that Zhang Feis drinking had been part of a stratagem to entice his enemy into the open and defeat them。

Zhang He reached Wakou Pass; but with the loss of two…thirds of his army of thirty thousand troops。 He stood on defense and sent urgent messages to Cao Hong to e to his rescue。

Cao Hong angrily replied; 〃He disobeyed my orders and marched。 He has lost an important point and now he sends to me for help!〃

While refusing aid; Cao Hong sent to urge his colleague to go out and fight。 But Zhang He too greatly feared。

At length Zhang He decided upon a plan of action。 He sent out two parties into ambush and said to them; 〃I will pretend defeat and fly。 They will follow; and you can cut off their retreat。〃

When he did march out; he met Lei Tong。 The two engaged in battle; and Zhang He presently ran away。 Lei Tong pursued and fell into the ambush。 Then Zhang He returned and slew Lei Tong。 His troops went back and told Zhang Fei; who came up to provoke another fight。 Zhang He again tried his stratagem; but Zhang Fei did not pursue。 Again and again the ruse was tried; but Zhang Fei knew it was only a ruse and simply retired to his own camp。

He said to Wei Yan; 〃Zhang He has passed the death of Lei Tong by leading him into an ambush; and he wants to inveigle me into another。 What say you to meeting trick with trick?〃

〃But how?〃 said Wei Yan。

〃Tomorrow I will lead the army forward; you following me with some reliable soldiers。 When his army e out from their ambush; you can smite them; sending half your men against each party。 We will secretly fill the by…roads with loads of bustibles; entice the enemy among them and start a fire。 In the confusion; I shall try to capture Zhang He。 So will we avenge our rades death。〃

So Zhang Fei went out; and Zhang Hes troops came and began to fight。 After a half score bouts; Zhang He ran away; and this time Zhang Fei pursued。 Zhang He; now fleeing; now stopping to exchange a blow or two; led Zhang Fei through the hills to a valley。 Here; suddenly changing front to rear and rear to front; Zhang He halted; made a camp; and offered battle。

It was now the time when Zhang He expected his hidden troops to appear and surround Zhang Fei。 But none appeared。 He knew not that his ambush had been broken up by Wei Yans army and driven into the valley where the road was filled with cartloads of bustibles; and that the valley even then was all aflame。

Then Zhang Fei came to the attack; and the rout was plete。 Zhang He; fighting desperately; got through to the Wakou Pass and there mustered the remnant of his force。 He strengthened the position and remained behind his ramparts。

Zhang Fei and Wei Yan then tried to take the Pass; but day after day they failed。 Zhang Fei; seeing no hope of success; retired seven miles and bivouacked。 From this point he sent out scouts under Wei Yan to explore the country。 While going along; they observed some burden…bearers; men and women; going up a very retired path; pulling down the creepers; and pushing aside the grasses。

〃That is the way to take Wakou Pass;〃 cried Zhang Fei; pointing with his whip to the wayfarers。

He ordered his soldiers not to scare the people; but to call a few gently and bring them to him。 They soon had several standing before their leader; who spoke to them kindly and put them at ease。

〃Whence e you?〃 asked Zhang Fei。

〃We belong to Hanzhong and are going home。 We heard that you were out fighting and the high road to Langzhong was blockaded; and so we have e across the Mist Torrent and Zitong Mountains and down River Guijin。 We are going to our homes in Hanzhong。〃

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