


cealed his veterans in the partments。 He selected seven generals………Han Dang; Jiang Qin; Zhu Ran; Pan Zhang; Zhou Tai; Xu Sheng; and Ding Feng………to serve under him and settled the order of their successive movements。 The remainder of the forces was left with Sun Quan as supports and reserves。 Letters were also written to Cao Cao that he might cooperate by sending his army to attack Guan Yu in the rear; and to Lu Xun that he would act in concert。

Then the sailors in plain white dress navigated the ships to River Xunyang as quickly as possible; and then crossed to the north bank。

When the beacon…keepers came down to question them; the men of Wu said; 〃We are traders forced into the bank by contrary winds。〃

And they offered gifts to the beacon…keepers; who accepted them and let the ships e to an anchor close to the shore。

At about the second watch the soldiers came out of hiding in the holds of the transports; suddenly fell upon the beacon…keepers and made them prisoners; officers and soldiers。 Next the signal for a general landing was given; and all the soldiers from the eighty ships went ashore。 The guard stations were attacked; and all the troops captured and carried off to the ships; not one being allowed to escape。 Then the force of Wu hurried off to the city of Jingzhou; having so far carried out their plans that no one knew of their ing。

Nearing Jingzhou; Lu Meng spoke kindly to his captives; and gave them gifts and forted them in order to induce them to get the gates opened for him to enter the city。 He won them over to his side; and they promised to aid him。 They would show a flare as a signal that the gates were free。 So they went in advance and arrived at the gates about midnight。 They called the watch。 The wardens of the gate; recognizing their voices; opened for them。 Once within; they shouted and lit the flares。 Immediately the soldiers of Wu came in with a rush and were soon in possession。

The first order issued by Lu Meng was to spare the people。 Instant death should be the punishment for any murder or robbery。 The various officials in the city were retained in their offices and continued their functions。 Special guards were set over Guan Yus family dwelling; and none dared break open any other house。 A messenger was sent with tidings to Sun Quan。

One very wet day Lu Meng; with a few horsemen as escort; was going round the walls and visiting the gates。 One of the soldiers took from a passer…by a broad…brimmed hat and put it on over his helmet to keep his armor dry。 Lu Meng saw it; and the offender was seized。 He was a fellow…villager of Lu Meng; but that did not save him。

〃You are an old acquaintance; but you knew my order。 Why did you disobey it?〃

〃I thought the rain would spoil my uniform; and I took the hat to protect it。 I did not take it for my own advantage; but to protect state property。 Spare me; O General; for the sake of our mon dwelling…place。〃

〃I know you were protecting your armor; but still it was disobedience to the order against taking anything from the people。〃

The soldier was beheaded; and his head exposed as a warning。 But when all was over; Lu Meng had the body buried decently and wept at the grave for the loss of his friend。 Never after this was there the least laxity of discipline。

When Sun Quan visited the city; Lu Meng met him at the boundary and led him to the official residence; where Sun Quan issued rewards and mendations。 This done; Sun Quan ordered Pan Jun to take charge of the new possession。 Yu Jin; who was in prison; was freed and sent back to Cao Cao。 When the people had been forted and the soldiers rewarded; there was a great banquet in honor of the success of the expedition。

Then said Sun Quan to Lu Meng; 〃We have got the city of Jingzhou; but now Fu Shiren is holding Gongan and Mi Fang Nanjun。 How can we get these two territories?〃

Suddenly Yu Fan started up and offered his services。

〃You will need neither bows nor arrows;〃 said Yu Fan; 〃unless my little tongue is worn out。 I can persuade Fu Shiren to surrender。〃

〃Friend Yu Fan; how will you do it?〃 asked Sun Quan。

〃Fu Shiren and I are very old friends; ever since we were boys。 If I explain the matter to him; I am sure he will e over to this side。〃

So Yu Fan; with an escort; left quickly for Gongan; where his friend was in mand。

Now when Fu Shiren heard of the capture of Jingzhou; he closed his gates。 Yu Fan arrived; but was refused entrance。 So Yu Fan wrote a letter; attached it to an arrow; and shot it over the city wall。 A soldier picked it up and took it to his mander; who found therein much persuasion to surrender。

Having read all this; he thought within himself; 〃I think I should do well in surrender; for at his departure Guan Yu was very bitter against me。〃

Without further ado; he bade the wardens open the gate; and his friend came in。 After their greetings they talked of old times; and Yu Fan praised Sun Quans magnanimity and liberality and greatness generally。 So finally Fu Shiren decided to exchange masters and went away; taking with him his seal of office。 He was presented to Sun Quan; who reappointed him to the mand of Gongan under its new lord。

Lu Meng thought the appointment imprudent and said to Sun Quan; 〃Guan Yu is yet unconquered。 We should not put Fu Shiren in Gongan。 Instead; send him to Nanjun to induce his former colleague and fellow Mi Fang to join him in desertion to the enemy。〃

Lu Mengs advice was followed; and Fu Shiren was recalled。

〃Go to Nanjun and win over Mi Fang; and I will reward you richly;〃 said Sun Quan。

Fu Shiren accepted the mission and duly left for Nanjun。

Jingzhous defenders failed when tried;

So Wang Fus words were justified。

For the events of the journey see the next chapter。

Main Next to Chapter 76 》》

Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 76

Chapter 76

重生之为我而狂  野人凶猛  悬疑志·合刊  契约内婚姻 作者:沐声  官场春秋  审计风雨:豆豆升职记  我和一个妓女的纯情故事  血夜爱上猫  地球online  大唐乘风录之洛阳天擂  冷酷太子  七号簿  都市危情  幻想乡游戏  重金属外壳  南方·爱  爱上酷蛇王  欲之海  美女总裁爱上我  炒股就是炒心态  


















