


It was Guan Xing; son of Guan Yu。

〃I have already received my mission;〃 said Zhang Bao。

〃What abilities have you for such a task?〃 cried Guan Xing。

〃That I have been training as a soldier since my boyhood。 I can shoot and never miss。〃

〃I should like to see your prowess;〃 said the First Ruler; 〃that I may decide who is the better。〃

Zhang Bao ordered some of his people to set up a flag at a hundred paces; and on the flag he drew a heart in red。 Then he took his bow and shot three arrows; each of which went through the heart。 Those present mended the performance。

Then Guan Xing seized his bow; saying; 〃What is it to hit such a mark?〃

Just as he said this a flock of wild geese flew over his head。

〃I will hit the third of the flying geese;〃 said he。

He shot; and the third fell。

〃Fine!〃 cried all the assembly as one voice。

But Zhang Bao was enraged。 Leaping on his steed; he seized the long serpent halberd left him by his father; crying; 〃Dare you try a real bat?〃

Guan Xing took up the challenge at once。 He sprang into the saddle; took his great saber; and galloped out。

〃You can use the spear; think you that I cannot wield a sword?〃 cried he。

The two impetuous youths were on the point of a battle when the First Ruler bade them hold。

〃Do not behave so badly!〃 cried he。

Both dropped out of the saddle; threw aside their weapons; ran to his feet; and begged pardon。

〃Young men; from the time I left my native place Zhuo and swore brotherhood with your fathers; they were as my own flesh and blood。 You two are also brothers; and you should help each other in vengeance rather than quarrel and dispute。 You have lost the sense of rectitude while your fathers deaths are still recent; and what will happen in future?〃

Both fell at his feet and implored forgiveness。

〃Which of you two is the elder?〃 asked the First Ruler。

〃I am the elder by a year;〃 said Zhang Bao。

The First Ruler then bade Guan Xing bow to Zhang Bao as to an elder brother; and there; in front of all; they broke an arrow as a pledge that each would always succor the other。

Then the First Ruler issued a mandate appointing Hu Ban the Van Leader; and the two young men were enrolled as his own escort。

The advance began on land and on water; and they made a brave show as they moved against the land of Wu。

In the meantime the two assassins; Fan Jiang and Zhang Da; with the grim evidence of their deed; duly reached Wu and told their story to the Marquis who received them。

Then Sun Quan said to his assembled officers; 〃Liu Bei has declared himself Emperor and is leading against us in person a great host of more than seven hundred thousand。 What shall we do; for the danger is imminent?〃

They all turned pale and looked one at another。 Then Zhuge Jin spoke out。

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