er besom; he is either kicked out of doors; or made use of to kindle flames for others to warm themselves by。
电子书 分享网站
哨 子(1)
哨 子(2)
The Whistle
Benjamin Franklin
I received my dear friend’s two letters; one for Wednesday and one for Saturday。 This is again Wednesday。 I do not deserve one for today; because I have not answered the former。 But; indolent as I am; and averse to writing; the fear of having no more of your pleasing epistles; if I do not contribute to the correspondence; obliges me to take up my pen; and as Mr。 B。 has kindly sent me word that he sets out tomorrow to see you; instead of spending this Wednesday evening; as I have done its namesakes; in your delightful pany; I sit down to spend it in thinking of you; in writing to you; and in reading over and over again your letters。
I am charmed with your description of Paradise; and with your plan of living there; and I approve much of your conclusion; that; in the mean time; we should draw all the good we can from this world。 In my opinion; we might all draw more good from it than we do; and suffer less evil; if we would take care not to give too much for whistles。 For to me it seems that most of the unhappy people we meet with are bee so by neglect of that caution。
You ask what I mean? You love stories; and will excuse my telling one of myself。
When I was a child of seven years old; my friends; on a holiday; filled my pocket with coppers。 I went directly to a shop where they sold toys for children; and being charmed with the sound of a whistle; that I met by the way in the hands of another boy; I voluntarily offered and gave all my money for one。 I then came home; and went whistling all over the house; much pleased with my whistle; but disturbing all the family。 My brothers; and sisters; and cousins; understanding the bargain I had made; told me I had given four times as much for it as it was worth; put me in mind what good things I might have bought with the rest of the money; and laughed at me so much for my folly; that I cried with vexation; and the reflections gave me more chagrin than the whistle gave me pleasure。
This; however; was afterward of use to me; the impression continuing on my mind; so that often; when I was tempted to buy some unnecessary thing; I said to myself; Don’t give too much for the whistle; and I saved my money。
As I grew up; came into the world; and observed the actions of men; I thought I met with many; very many; who gave too much for the whistle。
When I saw one too ambitious of court favor; sacrificing his time in attendance on levees; his repose; his liberty; his virtue; and perhaps his friends; to attain it; I have said to myself; This man gives too much for his whistle。
When I saw another fond of popularity; constantly employing himself in political bustles; neglecting his own affairs; and ruining them by that neglect; He pays; indeed; said I; too much for his whistle。
哨 子(3)
爱过的唯一 李鸣生五访汶川纪实录:绝地重生 陪加侬多夫走向魔王命运 猛将 修仙求学记 江月晨曦 (水浒同人)西门庆的囧囧穿越 网游之将星魂 混沌录 称心如意 凡尘一叶(GL师生恋) 燕北小镇的悲情往事:树下 小松鼠奇遇记 在资源战争中赢得一席之地:资源阴谋 长生修仙,从只剩半年寿命开始 暮光之城·Ⅱ·新月 无声 非典型性娱乐 血腥电影 奈良辰-陌上繁花绽(出版)