BBC RADIO NEWS: Here is the state of the parties up to 3:00; in detail: Conservatives 180; Labor 364。
NARRATOR: Churchill was out。 The people had voted for a new socialist Britain。
BARBARA CASTLE: The Labor Party swept to power simply because the vast majority of people; particularly those men and women in the fighting forces whod lived through the dreadful Depression years of the 30s; just said; ";Churchills done a fine job of war leader; but we dont trust him to win the peace。";
BARBARA CASTLE:工党获胜仅仅是因为绝大多数人,尤其是军队中那些从可怕的大萧条中活过来的人认为“邱吉尔作为战时领导人表现很好,但我们不信任他能够赢得和平。”
LEMENT ATTLEE: What kind of society do you want?
NARRATOR: Attlee promised his party that they would build a new Jerusalem。
CLEMENT ATTLEE: Lets go forward into this fight in the spirit of William Blake: ";I will not cease from mental fight; nor shall the sword sleep in my hand; till we have built Jerusalem in Englands green and pleasant land。";
克莱门特。艾德礼:让我们以William Blake的精神来进行战斗吧,“直到我们在英格兰美丽的绿色大地上建立了天堂,我才会停止精神斗争,才会让剑在我手中沉睡。”
NARRATOR: William Blakes hymn ";Jerusalem"; became an anthem for the Labor movement。
旁白:William Blake赞美诗中的“耶路撒冷”成了工人运动的圣歌。
BARBARA CASTLE: You know; it seemed to people whod been through a war; it seemed to them natural justice。 Why not pool your resources? And so we broke into the concept of the sacredness of private property。
BARBARA CASTLE:你知道,这对那些从战争中活下来的人来说是很自然的。为什么不共享资源呢?因此我们打破了私有财产神圣不可侵犯的观念。
NARRATOR: When Labor took power; private owners were pelled to sell their businesses。 Labor created a ";mixed economy"; in which newly nationalized industries coexisted with private enterprise。 Now government…owned industries like coal; rail; and steel no longer enriched owners and shareholders; but worked for the mon good。
TONY BENN: So it was an act of regeneration; of renewal。 That was the hope; and it was the hope that gave us the welfare state; gave us the National Health Service; gave us full employment; gave us trade union rights; really rebuilt the country from the bottom up。
TONY BENN:因此这是一个重建和更新的行动。它是一个希望,一个建立福利国家的希望。它让我们拥有国民医疗服务制度、充分就业和工会权利;真正将国家从底向上重建了。
NARRATOR: The welfare state provided care; free of charge; ";from womb to tomb。"; Nobody; rich or poor; would need to fear poverty; ignorance; unemployment; ill health; or old age。
TONY BENN: And people said; ";This is better than allowing a lot of gamblers to run the world; where theyre not interested in us; but only in profit。";
TONY BENN:人们说:“这比让许多赌徒掌管世界要好。这些赌徒不关心我们,他们只对利润有兴趣。”
NARRATOR: Russia ended the war as a military and industrial giant。 With the Red Army and the Secret Police; Stalin imposed his economic system on half of Europe。
JEFFREY SACHS: The planned economy of Lenin and Stalin had defeated fascism。 Scientific socialism seemed to be in the ascendancy。
NARRATOR: Socialism was on the march; capitalism and free markets were on the retreat。
JEFFREY SACHS: So about one…third of the world adopted socialism; sometimes to internal revolution; sometimes to brutal imposition by the Red Army。
NARRATOR: The world was divided。 The Cold War had begun。
Chapter 8: Pilgrim Mountain '3:43'
Onscreen title: Switzerland; 1947
NARRATOR: Hayek loved mountains。 He said they breathed freedom。 But he saw socialist ideals and the planned economy as threats to freedom; and so he organized a conference at a formerly fashionable hotel on the top of Mont Pelerin …… Pilgrim Mountain。
我家后院有座神山 唐逸世界第一丧尸王 虹彩六号 乙绯散文全集 笑论兵戈 对抗游戏 终极炮灰 南非斗士曼德拉 老子传 上元初遇误终身 英雄无敌之十二翼天使 笑傲江湖之大漠狂刀 基督山伯爵 重生都市仙尊 源氏物语 洛丽塔 世界悬疑经典小说 开发次元世界 历代兴衰演义 落蕊重芳