


She took one last puff on her cigarette and then stubbed it out in the chrome ashtray in the center

of the table。 ?I almost went to jail once;? she announced; trying to sound intriguing。

This wasn?t exactly true。 A few months ago she?d stolen a pair of cashmere pajamas from

Barneys? men?s department to give to Nate as a surprise gift when they were having problems。

But when they?d broken up for real; Serena had convinced Blair to put the pajamas back。 She?d

never even gotten caught。

Owen chuckled and picked up his drink。 He was wearing gold cuff links with a blueY stamped

on them to match his blue…and…gold Yale tie。 ?See; you?re just the kind of girl Yale needs;? he


?And I?m a virgin;? Blair blurted out; fluttering her eyelashes at the randomness of her remark。 It

was strange。 Even though Owen was extremely dashing and she really wanted to see what it felt

like to kiss him; she was a little afraid of what she was doing。

?I?m sure Yale needs more of those; too;? Owen laughed。 He crossed and then uncrossed his legs

and Blair could see she was making him nervous; which wasn?t what she?d intended。

She reached under the table and slipped her small; trembling fingers over his warm; tanned

hand。 ?I don?t mind if you kiss me;? she murmured in a low; breathy voice that sounded exactly

like Marilyn Monroe inSome Like It Hot 。

Owen put down his drink。 ?e here;? he said gruffly; wrapping his free arm around her and

pulling her toward him。

His chin was rough and scratched Blair?s face as they kissed; but she?d never been kissed so

expertly and powerfully in all her life。 Plus he smelled faintly of Herm?s Eau d?Orange Verte;

which was her all…time favorite men?s cologne。

Blair had thought she?d be plagued by guilt the moment their lips met。He?s a friend of Dad?s;

she reminded herself。He?s old。 But Owen was such a good kisser; now that he?d started; she

wasn?t about to make him stop。

scan?t find her boyfriend; but so what?

?I told her she has a better backside than any girl in the business;? one of Les Best?s stylists told

a photographer forW magazine。 ?That slim…hipped; tomboy butt。 Like she could just slip on her

boyfriend?s dirty old jeans and make them look fresh and sexy。?

Serena shook her lovely blond head in good…natured protest and puffed on an American

Spirit。 ?My boyfriend never wears jeans。 He thinks they?re overrated。 He wears those green

canvas army pants。 You know; the real ones from the army surplus store?? She glanced around the

crowded; smoky after…party which was in full force at Cr?me; a new go…go club on Forty…third

Street; but she didn?t see Aaron anywhere。 He?d never e backstage at the show; so she?d

figured she?d just meet him here。

?And is your boyfriend named Aaron; by any chance?? the stylist asked。 He giggled and pointed

at her T…shirt。 ?You should get Les to make a whole line of those。 Everyone would totally go for

it?it would be so wild!?

和丧尸同行的日子  蛇男  齐眉  战锤之米登兰的雄狮王  凋落的昙花  花婿鉴定期  军妆  我被冰冻了100年  曾国藩(上卷)  绑在床上的酷哥  十二女皇  诡念  异世灵武天下  我的第三帝国  后来发生了战争  暗黑破坏神之毁灭  我的模型系统  酒儿娘子  听话老公  小靓女  


















