


?Would you mind stepping back for a moment so I could get her picture?? the photographer

asked the stylist。

?And could you autograph this Polaroid for my collection;

Serena?? a tiny leather…pants…wearing older man with a white

buzz cut asked。

?Me too!? another voice chimed in。

Serena hitched up the baby blue hip…hugging Les Best jeans she?d acquired pliments of the

house and pointed to the I LOVEAARONlogo emblazoned on the front of her shirt as she grinned

cheesily for the camera。

?I bet if you held an auction for that shirt right now; you could sell it for a thousand dollars;? the

photographer quipped as he snapped away。 ?But of course you?d never part with it。?

Serena took another puff on her cigarette as the group around her waited for her to respond。 The

T…shirt was cute; but it was really just a spur of the moment thing she?d done because she?d

thought Aaron would think it was funny and to make it up to him for appearing in a fashion show

on a Friday night;their night。 She was a spur…of…the…moment kind of gal; which was exactly why

this auction idea sounded so appealing。 She could give the money to a good cause like Little

Hearts; that children?s charity the Valentine?s Day ball money was supposed to go to。

?Let?s do it;? she giggled giddily。

The group of admirers whooped with delight and followed her over to the bar like adoring little

mice following the Pied Piper。

?Who wants to buy a T…shirt?? Serena crowed; jumping up on top of the bar; and parading up and

down like she was on the runway again。

Of course only someone as gorgeous as she was could actually get away with this。

The DJ joined in the fun; putting on Madonna?s old classic; ?Vogue;? and turning the volume all

the way up。 Serena shook her booty and stuck out her chest?it was all in good fun?as every pair of

eyes in the club tuned in to watch。

?Five hundred dollars!? someone shouted。

?Anyone else?? Serena taunted the dazzled crowd。 ?It?s for a good cause。?

?Seven hundred!?


Serena stopped dancing; rolled her eyes and whipped her cigarettes out of her pocket; as if to

say; ?Your stinginess bores me。? The crowd laughed and fifteen or so lighters were offered her

way。 She bent down to grab a light from a lucky dude wearing a fur vest; and then pranced away

again; shaking her hips to the music and puffing away as she waited for the bidding to go up。

?A thousand dollars!? the dude wearing the fur vest shouted。 He?d gotten close enough to Serena

to know that it was worth it。

Serena threw her arms in the air and whooped loudly; daring someone to take the bidding to new

heights。 As much as she hated to admit it; she didn?t even mind that Aaron hadn?t turned up。 She

后来发生了战争  花婿鉴定期  听话老公  我被冰冻了100年  凋落的昙花  蛇男  绑在床上的酷哥  诡念  战锤之米登兰的雄狮王  暗黑破坏神之毁灭  齐眉  酒儿娘子  和丧尸同行的日子  军妆  我的模型系统  异世灵武天下  曾国藩(上卷)  我的第三帝国  小靓女  十二女皇  


















