


worth one thousand lire or more。 Catherine was sure his color had been changed。 Ferguson said she could not tell。 I thought he looked suspicious。 We all agreed we ought to back him and pooled one hundred lire。 The odds sheets showed he would pay thirty…five to one。 Crowell went over and bought the tickets while we watched the jockeys ride around once more and then go out under the trees to the track and gallop slowly up to the turn where the start was to be。

We went up in the grand…stand to watch the race。 They had no elastic barrier at San Siro then and the starter lined up all the horses; they looked very small way up the track; and then sent them off with a crack of his long whip。 They came past us with the black horse well in front and on the turn he was running away from the others。 I watched them on the far side with the glasses and saw the jockey fighting to hold him in but he could not hold him and when they came around the turn and into the stretch the black horse was fifteen lengths ahead of the others。 He went way on up and around the turn after the finish。

〃Isnt it wonderful;〃 Catherine said。 〃Well have over three thousand lire。 He must be a splendid horse。〃

〃I hope his color doesnt run;〃 Crowell said; 〃before they pay off。〃

〃He was really a lovely horse;〃 Catherine said。 〃I wonder if Mr。 Meyers backed him。〃

〃Did you have the winner?〃 I called to Meyers。 He nodded。

〃I didnt;〃 Mrs。 Meyers said。 〃Who did you children bet on?〃


〃Really? Hes thirty…five to one!〃

〃We liked his color。〃

〃I didnt。 I thought he looked seedy。 They told me not to back him。〃

〃He wont pay much;〃 Meyers said。

〃Hes marked thirty…five to one in the quotes;〃 I said。

〃He wont pay much。 At the last minute;〃 Meyers said; 〃they put a lot of money on him。〃


〃Kempton and the boys。 Youll see。 He wont pay two to one。〃

〃Then we wont get three thousand lire;〃 Catherine said。 〃I dont like this crooked racing!〃

〃Well get two hundred lire。〃

〃Thats nothing。 That doesnt do us any good。 I thought we were going to get three thousand。〃

〃Its crooked and disgusting;〃 Ferguson said。

〃Of course;〃 said Catherine; 〃if it hadnt been crooked wed never have backed him at all。 But I would have liked the three thousand lire。〃

〃Lets go down and get a drink and see what they pay;〃 Crowell said。 We went out to where they posted the numbers and the bell rang to pay off and they put up 18。50 after Japalac to win。 That meant he paid less than even money on a ten…lira bet。

We went to the bar under the grand…stand and had a whiskey and soda apiece。 We ran into a couple of Italians we knew and McAdams; the vice…consul; and they came up with us when we joined the girls。 The Italians were full of manners and McAdams talked to Catherine while we went down to bet again。 Mr。 Meyers was standing near the pari…mutuel。

〃Ask him what he played;〃 I said to Crowell。

〃What are you on; Mr。 Meyers?〃 Crowell asked。 Meyers took out his programme and pointed to the number five with his pencil。

〃Do you mind if we play him too?〃 Crowell asked。

〃Go ahead。 Go ahead。 But dont tell my wife I gave it to you。〃

〃Will you have a drink?〃 I asked。

〃No thanks。 I never drink。〃

We put a hundred lire on number five to win and a hundred to place and then had another whiskey and soda apiece。 I was feeling very good and we picked up a couple more Italians; who each had a drink with us; and went back to the girls。 These Italians were also very mannered and matched manners with the two we had collected before。 In a little while no one could sit down。 I gave the tickets to Catherine。

〃What horse is it?〃

〃I dont know。 Mr。 Meyers choice。〃

〃Dont you even know the name?〃

〃No。 You can find it on the programme。 Number five I think。〃

〃You have touching faith;〃 she said。 The number five won but did not pay anything。 Mr。 Meyers was angry。

〃You have to put up two hundred lire to make twenty;〃 he said。 〃Twelve lire for ten。 Its not worth it。 My wife lost twenty lire。〃

〃Ill go down with you;〃 Catherine said to me。 The Italians all stood up。 We went downstairs and out to the paddock。

〃Do you like this?〃 Catherine asked。

〃Yes。 I guess I do。〃

〃Its all right; I suppose;〃 she said。 〃But; darling; I cant stand to see so many people。〃

昆仑镜之宁不臣  奇怪的运动  一默如雷  侍灵记  三年抱俩,冷硬军官别太宠  月在回廊新月如钩_(全书已完结)  药膳空间[种田养子] 作者:辣椒拌饭  [HP]成为獾祖的人生  郭靖,别跑(  言咒师  爱恨交织  重生之成就非凡  北后  爱江山  师兄竟是战略级房产经纪大师  小宫女(辣)  斗罗:千仞雪的伐神之路  四合院:从杀猪佬开始  邪妃盗情:粘人相公太妖娆  我只想闯荡江湖  


















