


Then Cao Cao ordered Cao Hong to prepare boats and rafts。 Cao Ren was left in mand of the camps。 Cao Cao himself marched to the east bank of Yellow River first; and from there attempted to cross to the west bank。

When Ma Chao heard of the new military movements; he said; 〃I understand。 The Pass is left; rafts are being prepared: That means that he is going to cross to the west side and cut off my retreat。 I must coast along the river and keep him off。 If I can do that; his food will run short within twenty days in the east bank; and that will cause a mutiny。 Then I will travel south along the river and attack。〃

Han Sui did not approve this plan。 He quoted the military maxim to strike when troops were half over the river。

〃Attack from the south when his army is in the act of crossing; and his army will be drowned in the river;〃 said he。

〃Uncle; your words are good;〃 replied Ma Chao。 And the spies went forth to find out the time of crossing the river。

When Cao Caos preparations were plete and all was ready; he sent three parties of soldiers over the river first。 They reached the ferry at the first sign of dawn; and the veterans were sent over first and lay out a camp。 Cao Cao and his guard took up station on the east bank to watch the crossing。

Very soon the sentinels reported; 〃A general dressed all in white is approaching。〃

Everyone knew it must be Ma Chao。 This terrified them and they made a rush to get into the boats。 The river bank became a scene of shouting men struggling who could first embark。 Cao Cao sat watching and never stirred。 He only issued orders to stop the confusion。 Meanwhile; the yelling of the troops and the neighing of the horses of the approaching army came nearer and nearer。

Suddenly a general jumped out of one of the boats and shouted to Cao Cao: 〃The rebels are close! Get into a boat; O Prime Minister!〃

〃The rebels are near。 What matter?〃 replied Cao Cao simply to the speaker; who was Xu Chu。 And he turned round to look at them。

As a fact Ma Chao was very close; not a hundred paces away; and Xu Chu laid hold of Cao Cao and dragged him down the bank。 The boat had already pushed off and was ten spans from the bank; but Xu Chu took Cao Cao on his back and leaped on board。 The boat was small and in danger of being overturned; wherefore Xu Chu drew his sword and chopped away at the hands clinging to the side so that the soldiers fell back into the water。

The boat went down stream; Xu Chu standing in the prow poling as hard as he could。 His master crouched out of sight at his feet。

When Ma Chao saw the boat in midstream drifting down with the current; he took his bow and arrows and began to shoot。 He also ordered his brave generals to go along the river and shoot so that a shower of arrows fell about the boat。 Xu Chu fearing Cao Cao would be wounded; protected him with a saddle which he held over him with his left hand; for Ma Chaos shooting was not in vain。 Many of the soldiers working the boat were wounded。 Some had fallen overboard; while more lay in the bottom of the boat。 The boat itself got out of control and was whirled hither and thither by the current。 Xu Chu straddled over the tiller and tried thus to guide the boat; while he poled with one hand and with the other held the protecting saddle over Cao Caos head。

Then the Magistrate of Weinan; Ding Fei; who from a hill top saw that Cao Cao was very closely pressed; even in danger of his life; drove out from his camp all the cattle and horses there; so that they scattered over the hillside。 This was too much for the born Qiang herdsmen of the plains。 At sight of the beasts; they left the river and ran off to secure the cattle。 Nor had they any inclination to pursue their enemy。

And so Cao Cao escaped。 As soon as they reached the west bank of Yellow River (which was also the north bank of River Wei); the boat was scuttled。 The rumor had spread that Cao Cao was on the river and in danger; so all his officers came to his aid。 But he was now safe on shore。 Xu Chus double armor was stuck full of arrows。 The officers escorted Cao Cao to the camp where they made their obeisance and expressed the hope that he had not suffered seriously。

〃The rebels very nearly caught me today;〃 said he smiling。

〃They would have got across the river had they not been enticed away by the freeing of the cattle and horses;〃 said Xu Chu。

〃Who was it that drew them off?〃 said Cao Cao。

Someone who knew told him。 Before long Magistrate Ding Fei came in to pay his respects; and Cao Cao thanked him。

〃I should have been a prisoner but for your happy thought;〃 said Cao Cao。

And the Magistrate received a rank of mander in the army。

〃Though they have gone; yet they will assuredly return tomorrow;〃 said Ding Fei。 〃You must prepare to repel them。〃

〃My preparations are all made;〃 was the reply。

Cao Cao ordered his generals to spread themselves along the river bank and throw up mounds as shelters for camps。 If they saw the enemy approaching; the soldiers were to be withdrawn from behind the mounds; leaving the ensigns all flying; so as to give the impression that each camp contained a garrison。 Along the river they were to dig ditches and put up sheds; thus to entice the enemy there and their army would stumble into the pits and fall easy victims。

Ma Chao returned to Han Sui and told him; saying; 〃I would have captured Cao Cao; but a certain bold general had taken him on his back and leaped with him into a boat。〃

Han Sui replied; 〃I have heard that Cao Cao had a body guard of the bravest and strongest soldiers under the mand of Dian Wei and Xu Chu。 They are called the Tiger Guard。 Now as Dian Wei is dead; the man you saw must have been Xu Chu。 He is both brave and powerful and goes by the name of Tiger Lust。 You will do well to avoid him。〃

〃I know his name; too;〃 said Ma Chao。

〃Cao Cao now means to attack our rear;〃 continued Han Sui。 〃Let us attack first; before he can establish camps and stockades。 If once he can do that; it will be difficult to dislodge him。〃

〃My idea is that we should hold the north bank of River Wei; and prevent him from crossing south。〃

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