


〃Worthy nephew; keep guard here while I go along the bank of the river and fight Cao Cao。〃

〃If you will take Pang De as your Van Leader; I am content;〃 said Ma Chao。

So Han Sui and Pang De; with fifty thousand troops; went away down to the River Wei; while Cao Cao again warned his generals to entice the enemy。 Pang De was in advance with a goodly squadron of iron…clad horsemen; and they burst along at full speed。 Then there arose a confused shouting as they all went plunging into the ditches prepared for them。 Pang De soon leaped out; gained the level ground; and laid about him with all his might。 He slew many Cao Caos soldiers and presently got out of the thick of the fight。

But Han Sui had also been involved; and Pang De went afoot to try to aid him。 On the way he met Cao Yong; a general of Cao Ren。 Pang De cut Cao Yong down。 Then mounting the dead mans steed; he rode forward fiercely; slaying as he passed。 He reached his leader whom he led away southeast。 The troops of Cao Cao pursued him; but Ma Chao came with reinforcements and drove them off。 Ma Chao rescued a great number; and they continued fighting till evening when they withdrew and mustered their troops。 Two manders; Cheng Yin and Zhang Han; were missing; and a couple of hundred soldiers had been killed when they fell into the pits。

Ma Chao and Han Sui discussed what should next be done。

〃If we give the enemy time; he will make himself strong on the north bank。 I think we can do no better than to raid his camp tonight;〃 said Ma Chao。

〃We must have a force and supports for it;〃 said Han Sui。

So it was decided that Ma Chao should lead the striking force with Pang De and Ma Dai as supports。 They would start at nightfall。

Now Cao Caos troops were on the north bank of River Wei; and he gave his generals orders; saying; 〃The rebels will try to surprise us as they are deceived by my not having set up stockades。 You will place your soldiers in ambush。 At the bomb signal; you will rush out from four directions to capture them。〃

At nightfall Ma Chao sent out a small scouting party headed by Cheng Yi。 Seeing nothing; Cheng Yi penetrated deep into the enemys lines。 Presently; a bomb was exploded。 Out leapt the hidden troops; and in a few moments the whole scouting party were killed。 Cheng Yi was cut down by the blade of Xiahou Yuan。

But close at hand came the main army led by Ma Chao; Ma Dai; and Pang De that rushed into the ambush forces。

Wait for the foe all undismayed。

Place your men in ambuscade。

Generals striving to outvie

Are not beaten easily。

Who got the advantage will presently be told。

Main Next to Chapter 59 》》

Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Xu Chu Strips For A Fight With Ma Chao;

Cao Cao Writes A Letter To Sow Dissension。

The fight narrated in the last chapter lasted till morn when each side drew off; Ma Chao camping on the River Wei; whence he kept up harassing attacks both day and night。 Cao Cao; also camped in the bed of the same river; began to construct three floating bridges out of his rafts and boats so as to facilitate munication with the south bank。 Cao Ren established a stockade near the camp; which he barricaded with his carts and wagons。

Ma Chao determined to destroy this stockade; so his troops collected straw and each man marched with a bundle and took fire with him。 Han Suis forces were to fight。 While one party attacked; the other party piled up the straw; which they lit; and soon there was a fierce fire all around。 The defenders could do nothing against it; so they abandoned the stockade and ran away。 All the transport and bridges were destroyed。 It was a great victory for the Xiliang army and gave them the mand of the River Wei。

Cao Cao was sad at the failure to make good his strong camp and fearful of his defenselessness。 Then Xun You proposed a mud wall。 So three thousand soldiers were set to build a mud rampart。 The enemy seeing this harassed the workmen with perpetual attacks at different points so that the work went slowly。 Beside; the soil was very sandy; and the wall would not stand but collapsed as fast as it was built。 Cao Cao felt helpless。

It was the ninth month of the sixteenth year of Rebuilt Tranquillity (AD 211); and the fierce cold of winter was just ing on。 Ominous clouds covered the sky day after day with never a break。 One day as Cao Cao sat in his tent; very disheartened; a stranger was announced and was led in。 He was an old man who said he had a suggestion to offer。 He was tall; as delicate as a crane and as refined as a pine tree。 He gave his name as Lou Zibo and said he came from Jingzhao。 He was a recluse and a Taoist; his religious name being Plum…Blossom Dreamer。

Cao Cao received him with great courtesy; and presently the venerable one began; saying; 〃O Prime Minister; you have long been striving to make a camp on the river。 Now is your opportunity。 Why not begin?〃

〃The soil is too sandy to stand;〃 said Cao Cao。 〃But if you have some other plan to propose; pray tell me what it is; O Hermit。〃

〃You are more than human; O Prime Minister; in the art of war; and you surely know the times and seasons。 It has been overcast for many days; and these cl

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